Mile 96 Report
Bandon State Park, west of Twomile Creek
May 14, 2008
Kelp (Cystoseira, Egregia, Postelsia, Nereosystis, Porphyra, Fucus, Halosaccion, Macrocystis and Sargassum), small rocks, animal casings and a sea star in the driftline.
Report Details
Kelp (Cystoseira, Egregia, Postelsia, Nereosystis, Porphyra, Fucus, Halosaccion, Macrocystis and Sargassum), small rocks, animal casings and a sea star in the driftline. Mussel clumps on beach in the two southern riptide embayments. One dead immature Western Gull, and one dead unidentified fish (photo). Eleven Whimbrels feeding at surfline and four Snowy Plover up in the dry sand. Six Harbor Seals including two females with their pups swimming in the ocean near New River outlet. Beach slope at 6 degrees at southern end of mile, 8 degrees in the two riptide embayments and 4 degrees elsewhere. Low human impact (1)-walking.
Temperature: 63 F. Cloud Cover: Sunny. Wind Velocity: Calm/Light. Wind Direction: NE.
Human Activities
Number of people: 1. Walking or running: 1.
Notable Wildlife
11 Whimbrels feeding in the surf and 4 Snowy Plover up on the dry sand. Six Harbor Seals including two females with their pups swimming in ocean near New River outlet.
Beached Birds
Total dead birds: 1. 1 Immature Western Gull
Dead Fish or Invertebrates
One dead unidentified fish (see photo).
Driftline Content
Seaweeds and seagrass, Animal casings (e.g., crab, shrimp molt), Animal casings (e.g., crab, shrimp molt), Small rocks. one Sea Star, mussel clumps in riptide embayments.
Actions & Comments
Kelp in the driftline: Cystoseira, Egregia, Postelsia, Nereosystis, Porphyra, Fucus, Halosaccion, Macrocystis and Sargassum. Beach sloping at 6 degrees at southern end of mile, 8 degrees in the riptide embayments and 4 degrees elsewhere. Two riptide embayments at southern end of mile.
Report Images
All Mile 96 Reports
Mile 96
Bandon State Park, west of Twomile Creek
Report from Diane and Dave BilderbackHere on the south coast, we have been having a wash up of a pelagic purple tunicate, Dolioletta gegenbauri, that at times causes a deep purple wash on the beach and also has colored small sand pools.
Volunteer Trainer
Mile 96
Bandon State Park, west of Twomile Creek
A nearly nonexistent driftline with just a few small rocks.
D Bilderback
Mile 96
Bandon State Park, west of Twomile Creek
Shells, small rocks, pieces of jellies, broken Sand Dollars, a few Hydrozoa, Pleurobrachia Ctenophores, Phyllospadix, surfgrass, one stickleback fish and Porphyra in the driftline.
D Bilderback
Mile 96
Bandon State Park, west of Twomile Creek
Sparse driftline of small rocks, a few shells and broken Sand Dollars.
D Bilderback
Mile 96
Bandon State Park, west of Twomile Creek
European Dunegrass dominated the driftline with a few Bull Kelp and Sea Palm.
D Bilderback
Mile 96
Bandon State Park, west of Twomile Creek
Shells, rocks, a few kelp/algae, green phytoplankton scum, broken Sand Dollars, crab carapaces and Ctenophores in driftline.
D Bilderback
Mile 96
Bandon State Park, west of Twomile Creek
Light driftline of many Ctenophores, small rocks and a few shells and crab carapaces.
D Bilderback
Mile 96
Bandon State Park, west of Twomile Creek
Light driftline with fresh water aquatic plants- Myriophyllum (Water Milfoil), terrestrial plant debris-stems, leaves and needles and saltwater plants, Phyllospadix (Surfgrass)and Eelgrass, Zostera.
D Bilderback