Report Details

Absolutely no wind...nada! I attempted to get some reaction by dropping a dry leaf...went straight down each time. Very unusual for the Oregon coast.Lots of vehicle tire tracks on the beach for an area that supposedly is off limits for vehicles..see photos.Unlike the last report, there were very few shell (mainly clam), no crab casings, only bits of sea vegetation plus a very, very small scattering of gravel.As reported last time, once again there was no sign of tsunami debris. I was nearly to the north end of the mile and had just noted that, other than myself, there was nothing alive on the beach..then, when I turned to head south, a flock of about 200 sanderlings proved me wrong. Then another flock of about 100, then further south, another flock of 80. I then spotted one lonely seagull walking forlornly on the beach. It (the gull) just stayed about 200 yards ahead of me on my southward trek.At the end of the mile hike (approaching the climb up the hill to the parking area) I noticed the ten people and one heard but not seen dog playing in the sand dunes. And, as I reached the top of the hill, one young couple complete with backpack and a small dog were heading in the beach direction...Did they make? I'll never know. Weather conditions made it an effortless rain, no wind and mild temps.Many colorful, non-edible mushrooms on the downward trail. My computer wouldn't let me rotate the photo, so you have to look at it sideways. Enjoy!


Temperature: 54 F. Cloud Cover: Cloudy. Tide Level: 2.5 feet.

Human Activities

There were ten people playing in the sand dunes approximately one mile from the beach. Plus, one couple and their dog was headed in the beach direction upon my return to the parking area.


Apparent violations: Vehicle tracks at the beach.


Cars/trucks parking: 7.

Notable Wildlife

One gull, and three groups of one: approximately 200; Group two: approximately 100 and group three: appox 80

Beached Birds

Total dead birds: 1. too badly decomposed. Size would indicate that it was a gull of sorts

Driftline Content

Shells, Small rocks. 1 empty gallon milk container, 1 empty fried-chicken paper bag

Man-made Modifications


Natural Changes

Nothing new

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All Mile 158 Reports

Showing 8 of 13 reports

Mile 158

Oregon Dunes NRA, west of south end of Carter Lake

May 10, 2023

This is a beautiful stretch of coastline, accessible via the Oregon Dunes Trail.


Mile 158

Oregon Dunes NRA, west of south end of Carter Lake

July 2, 2014

Mid 70's at the beach with little wind.


Mile 158

Oregon Dunes NRA, west of south end of Carter Lake

June 3, 2014

Another beautiful day at the beach.


Mile 158

Oregon Dunes NRA, west of south end of Carter Lake

May 13, 2014

Beautiful, warm, sunny day with only moderate winds from the north.


Mile 158

Oregon Dunes NRA, west of south end of Carter Lake

November 9, 2013

Absolutely no wind.


Mile 158

Oregon Dunes NRA, west of south end of Carter Lake

August 12, 2013

Nice hiking weather.


Mile 158

Oregon Dunes NRA, west of south end of Carter Lake

June 3, 2013

Beautiful, very windy day.


Mile 158

Oregon Dunes NRA, west of south end of Carter Lake

April 1, 2013

Very quiet.
