Mile 308 Report
Arch Cape (community), Asbury Creek
July 7, 2010
No evident cause for concern.
Report Details
No evident cause for concern. There were many flies and beetles struggling on the beach. Small washed in Nereocystis, Fucus. Molts of Cancer magister and Emerita analoga, tests of Dendraster eccentricus
Temperature: 20 F. Cloud Cover: Foggy. Wind Velocity: Calm/Light. Wind Direction: N. Tide Level: 0.0 feet.
Human Activities
Number of people: 24. Number of dogs: 6. Walking or running: 15. Sitting: 8. Other Activities: Lying: 1. One large truck tire mounted on wheel washed in on sand
Disturbances: Shorebirds moving in response to humans/dogs
Notable Wildlife
Larus occidentalis: Flock of ca 300 birds standing at mouth of Astbury Creek, 45deg48.9'N, 123 deg57.8'W, moving upon approach of people and dogs, then returning.L. heermanni: small flocks of 10-15 birds standing with L. occidentalis
Dead Fish or Invertebrates
Unusual concentration. Thousands of small dead flies deposited at high-tide line.
Driftline Content
Seaweeds and seagrass, Animal casings (e.g., crab, shrimp molt), Land-based debris (picnics, etc.), Shells, Wood pieces. One heap of paper rocket casings left over from 4th of July
Man-made Modifications
Very steep cobble berm rising 2-3 m above sand near Astbury Creek
Natural Changes
All Mile 308 Reports
Mile 308
Arch Cape (community), Asbury Creek
Encounter with 2 foot lion's mane jelly!
Steve Pinger
Mile 308
Arch Cape (community), Asbury Creek
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Arch Cape (community), Asbury Creek
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John Markham
Mile 308
Arch Cape (community), Asbury Creek
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John Markham
Mile 308
Arch Cape (community), Asbury Creek
An overcast day with occasional light sprinkles, but overall pleasant.
John Markham
Mile 308
Arch Cape (community), Asbury Creek
Two new colverts installed.
John Markham