Report Details

The beach was essentially clean but driftline area was full of dead Velella velella and logs. 4 logs had goose barnacles on them. More human activity this time with surfriders and riding horses.


Temperature: 59 F. Cloud Cover: Sunny. Wind Velocity: Moderate. Wind Direction: NW. Tide Level: 7.5 feet.

Human Activities

Number of people: 27. Number of dogs: 8. Walking or running: 18. Windsurfing: 4. Other Activities: 5 riding horses. Windsurfers and horseback riders with one rider falling off her horse. May have dislocated a shoulder. Others were walking.


Apparent violations: no concerns.


Cars/trucks parking: 1.

Notable Wildlife

At least 21 birds -- gulls & small shore birds

Beached Birds

Total dead birds: 1. adult gull

Dead Fish or Invertebrates

Unusual concentration. Heavy concentration of dead Velella velella in driftline. Plus 4 logs with heavy concentration of pelagic goose barnacles. There was a smell in the area when we started our walk. The smell was heavier around the logs.

Driftline Content

Marine debris (plastic, styrofoam, etc. washing in from the sea), Styrofoam, Wood pieces. Some algae at tide level; probably tsunami debris.

Natural Changes

erosion looked about the same.

Actions & Comments

Lots of logs this time in driftline. Found wood which had John Chapman designation tag of being tsunami-related -- #4. Photo out of focused unfortunately. Haven't seen logs with the barnacles before.

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All Mile 213 Reports

Showing 8 of 62 reports

Mile 213

Henderson Creek, South Beach SP south

October 5, 2024

Sunny day except in an area of the Southshore neighborhood, where fog kept it cool.


Mile 213

Henderson Creek, South Beach SP south

April 24, 2024

This time I concentrated on the area south of Henderson Creek where there is more activity. Photo submitted, & will be the last one. Beach was quite clean and probably because of the beach clean-up activities the previous Saturday.


Mile 213

Henderson Creek, South Beach SP south

October 31, 2023

Lovely sunny day with little wind.


decorative elemnt for a coastwatch report.

Mile 213

Henderson Creek, South Beach SP south

May 10, 2023

A pleasant day on the beach at very low tide which exposed one large tidal pool which hadn't seen before.


Mile 213

Henderson Creek, South Beach SP south

July 6, 2022


Mile 213

Henderson Creek, South Beach SP south

January 23, 2022

Beach access previously had been closed for reconstruction.


Mile 213

Henderson Creek, South Beach SP south

March 2, 2021

We usually access the beach via an entry at Surfland which hasn't been easy in the past.


Mile 213

Henderson Creek, South Beach SP south

January 14, 2021

Morning after severe king tides along South Beach, OR.
