Mile 213 Report
Henderson Creek, South Beach SP south
July 6, 2022
Report Details
Temperature: 64 F. Cloud Cover: Cloudy. Wind Velocity: Moderate. Wind Direction: W. Tide Level: 1.1 feet.
Human Activities
Walking or running: 10. Other Activities: Woman pushing a stroller. Vehicle tracks in places but could be South Beach Park personnel vehicle tracks.
Notable Wildlife
Fascinating to watch swarms of small shorebirds swooping up/down, resting temporarily on the sand before taking off. Haven't seen that before. Usually just feeding in the water. Estimated 80 birds in this swarm. A type of sandpiper.
Beached Birds
Total dead birds: 1. Douldn't tell since body not complete. About a foot in length and white underbelly plumage A shorebird?
Stranded Marine Mammals
Total stranded mammals: 1. beheaded sea lion body in good shape except for missing head. Notified South Beach State Park personnel. It was near Henderson Creek.
Dead Fish or Invertebrates
there was one area with lots of small crab bodies.
Driftline Content
Shells, Wood pieces, Marine debris (plastic, styrofoam, etc. washing in from the sea). Green algae in many areas south of Henderson Creek. Haven't seen that before. One needs to bring a strainer to pick up the many tiny pieces of plastic up by the dunes.
New Development
Steps down bluff. Probably forgot to mention in last report that a better access to the beach has been made with sand/concrete. Had been dangerous before in climbing over/stepping on rocks.
Man-made Modifications
Beachgrass planting or removal. Perhaps beachgrass has been planted although might be natural.
Natural Changes
Erosion looks the same. Good to see all the healthy vegetation on the "bluffs'.
Report Images
All Mile 213 Reports
Mile 213
Henderson Creek, South Beach SP south
Sunny day except in an area of the Southshore neighborhood, where fog kept it cool.
Mile 213
Henderson Creek, South Beach SP south
This time I concentrated on the area south of Henderson Creek where there is more activity. Photo submitted, & will be the last one. Beach was quite clean and probably because of the beach clean-up activities the previous Saturday.
Mile 213
Henderson Creek, South Beach SP south
Lovely sunny day with little wind.
Mile 213
Henderson Creek, South Beach SP south
A pleasant day on the beach at very low tide which exposed one large tidal pool which hadn't seen before.
Mile 213
Henderson Creek, South Beach SP south
Beach access previously had been closed for reconstruction.
Mile 213
Henderson Creek, South Beach SP south
We usually access the beach via an entry at Surfland which hasn't been easy in the past.
Mile 213
Henderson Creek, South Beach SP south
Morning after severe king tides along South Beach, OR.