Mile 185 Report
S of Stonefield Beach Wayside, Tokatee Kloochman Wayside
September 6, 2015
A lovely day; busy Labor Day weekend so more people than usual.
Report Details
A lovely day; busy Labor Day weekend so more people than usual. We saw two birds that were new for us, a Willet, and a Golden Crown Sparrow. Number 57 & 58 on our list. Using binoculars we were able to see a total of 5 seastars out on the rocks. One was sick with two bad arms, but the others looked good. One purple and the rest orange. One medium sized and the others were large. The first we have seen in a year. One sea lion in the water, and 4 Harbor Seals on the rocks. The sand was very high and the beach was clean.
Temperature: 62 F. Cloud Cover: Cloudy. Wind Velocity: Calm/Light. Wind Direction: S. Tide Level: 2.5 feet.
Human Activities
Number of people: 28. Number of dogs: 8. Walking or running: 24. Playing in surf: 2.
Notable Wildlife
Crows, Gulls, 15 Barn Swallows(5 babies), 1 Pelican, 12 Harlequin Ducks, 2 Willets, 5 Surfbirds, 8 Pelagic Cormorants, 50 Surf Scoters, 1 Turnstone, 1 Golden Crown Sparrow, 3 Red Wing Blackbirds, 4 Brandt's Cormorants. 1 Sea Lion in the water, 4 Harbor Seals on the rocks. Beach very clean and sand high. Saw 2 large orange seastars, 1 medium, 1 large purple and one sick looking orange one. They were on the outer rocks and we found them with binoculars.
Beached Birds
Total dead birds: 1. 1 dead cormorant, well eaten.
Driftline Content
beach very clean with high sand level.
All Mile 185 Reports
Mile 185
S of Stonefield Beach Wayside, Tokatee Kloochman Wayside
When we arrived in the parking lot it was almost full but people seemed to be leaving.
Mile 185
S of Stonefield Beach Wayside, Tokatee Kloochman Wayside
It was a lovely day but the sand is gone from all but the first part of the beach so the rest is cobbles, making it hard to walk.
Mile 185
S of Stonefield Beach Wayside, Tokatee Kloochman Wayside
A lovely, mainly sunny day without wind.
Mile 185
S of Stonefield Beach Wayside, Tokatee Kloochman Wayside
The day was very foggy so we didn't expect to see many birds but were very surprised to see 18 species, which has only happened two other times since 2003.
Mile 185
S of Stonefield Beach Wayside, Tokatee Kloochman Wayside
A sunny, very windy day that brought out a lot of people to enjoy the beach, mostly staying in the first sandy area.
Mile 185
S of Stonefield Beach Wayside, Tokatee Kloochman Wayside
It was a beautiful clear day and the wind only started up about 3 in the afternoon.
Mile 185
S of Stonefield Beach Wayside, Tokatee Kloochman Wayside
Florence had some rain but when we got to the mile it was just overcast and kept getting brighter.
Mile 185
S of Stonefield Beach Wayside, Tokatee Kloochman Wayside
A lovely day and the summer sand is still there making it easy to walk.