Mile 185 Report
S of Stonefield Beach Wayside, Tokatee Kloochman Wayside
December 6, 2012
The road into Stonefield is closed for winter and flooded.
Report Details
The road into Stonefield is closed for winter and flooded. The only sandy section is in front of the parking lot, the rest of the beach to the headlands is all cobbles. A Red-throated Loon, a new bird for the mile, appeared ill as it was on the cobbles, not in the water as it should have been. Another new bird. the Common Tern, was catching fish then flying off to avoid the gulls. A big flock of Surfbirds was in close on the rocks feeding, then flying in unison when they moved on, lead by the Black Turnstones.
Temperature: 45 F. Cloud Cover: Rain. Wind Velocity: Calm/Light. Wind Direction: S. Tide Level: 2.5 feet.
Human Activities
Number of people: 3. Number of dogs: 2. Fishing: 1.
Notable Wildlife
crows, Western Gulls, Ring Billed Gulls, Surf Scoter 5, Harlequin Ducks 5, Surfbirds 50+, Black Turnstones 5, Bald Eagle 1, Song Sparrow 1, Red- throated Flicker 1, Pelagic Cormorants 2, Brandt's Cormorants 3, Common Loon 1, Common Tern 1 (new), Red Throated Loon 1 (new). One Harbor Seal in the water.
Dead Fish or Invertebrates
Sections of the beach had mussel shells probably torn off in the big storms and high tides.
Driftline Content
Seaweeds and seagrass, Land-based debris (picnics, etc.), Ocean-based debris (from fishing boats, ship trash, etc.), Shells. The trash was all at the far south end of Stonefield Beach. The rest was clean.
Natural Changes
It looked like the beach was totally covered in the recent high tides. Only one small area of bluff collapsed.
All Mile 185 Reports
Mile 185
S of Stonefield Beach Wayside, Tokatee Kloochman Wayside
When we arrived in the parking lot it was almost full but people seemed to be leaving.
Mile 185
S of Stonefield Beach Wayside, Tokatee Kloochman Wayside
It was a lovely day but the sand is gone from all but the first part of the beach so the rest is cobbles, making it hard to walk.
Mile 185
S of Stonefield Beach Wayside, Tokatee Kloochman Wayside
A lovely, mainly sunny day without wind.
Mile 185
S of Stonefield Beach Wayside, Tokatee Kloochman Wayside
The day was very foggy so we didn't expect to see many birds but were very surprised to see 18 species, which has only happened two other times since 2003.
Mile 185
S of Stonefield Beach Wayside, Tokatee Kloochman Wayside
A sunny, very windy day that brought out a lot of people to enjoy the beach, mostly staying in the first sandy area.
Mile 185
S of Stonefield Beach Wayside, Tokatee Kloochman Wayside
It was a beautiful clear day and the wind only started up about 3 in the afternoon.
Mile 185
S of Stonefield Beach Wayside, Tokatee Kloochman Wayside
Florence had some rain but when we got to the mile it was just overcast and kept getting brighter.
Mile 185
S of Stonefield Beach Wayside, Tokatee Kloochman Wayside
A lovely day and the summer sand is still there making it easy to walk.