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The carcass of a humpback whale washed up here, September 1. According to a 9/3 Coos Bay World article, it "may be the same one that became tangled in commercial crab pot lines off the Washington Coast... in May". The carcass is about 2.8 miles south of the Whisky Run access. (World article incorrectly puts it two miles north.) At this point there's not much to see, or even much to smell -- just a big pile of blubber. It'll be interesting to check here in a year or so to see what's left.

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All Mile 106 Reports

Showing 8 of 21 reports

decorative elemnt for a coastwatch report.

Mile 106

Bullards Beach, west of Fahys Lake

January 15, 2016

Although there are signs of some erosion of dune, it is not bad.


decorative elemnt for a coastwatch report.

Mile 106

Bullards Beach, west of Fahys Lake

April 12, 2015

Very little debris of any kind on the beach.


Mile 106

Bullards Beach, west of Fahys Lake

January 13, 2015

There was a good deal of trash this time.


Mile 106

Bullards Beach, west of Fahys Lake

December 7, 2014

Very quiet and clean beach today.


decorative elemnt for a coastwatch report.

Mile 106

Bullards Beach, west of Fahys Lake

October 27, 2014

There were a greater number of dead birds on the beach after Saturday's storm.


Mile 106

Bullards Beach, west of Fahys Lake

June 23, 2014

There was avery high concentration of by the wind sailor jellyfish at the high tide driftline.


decorative elemnt for a coastwatch report.

Mile 106

Bullards Beach, west of Fahys Lake

May 18, 2014

This stretch of beach was quiet as always.


Mile 106

Bullards Beach, west of Fahys Lake

April 1, 2014

Very quiet.
