Mile 1 Report
Winchuck River, Crissey Airport, California border
April 10, 2024
Clean beach.
Report Details
Clean beach. River otter observed. Unleashed dogs allowed to chase birds.
Cloud Cover: Sunny. Wind Velocity: Calm/Light.
Human Activities
Number of people: 23. Number of dogs: 9. Walking or running: 14. Sitting: 9. There were 4 unleashed dogs on the beach on the north side of the river. I observed two of them barking at and chasing roosting gulls. There were 3 unleashed dogs on the river mouth banks. Two were barking at and chasing off buffleheads in the river. One was chasing balls into the river thrown by owner. There were 2 leashed dogs on the beach, both on the south side of the river. One of them was only put on a leash when they approached me.
People/dogs/vehicles in closure areas
Disturbances: Shorebirds moving in response to humans/dogs
Notable Wildlife
A man passing me on the beach saw that I was using binoculars and he told me that he saw a river otter exit the ocean onto the beach, but when it saw him, it returned to the ocean. I didn't get to see it although apparently it happened shortly before. Birds observed on beach or river mouth area: Turkey vulture-1, Bufflehead-4, Great blue heron-1, Song sparrow-1, Tree swallow-2, Osprey-1, Cormorant sp.-11, Double-crested cormorant-2, Gulls sp.-30, Short-billed gull-3, Herring gull-1, Myrtle warbler-3, American crow-7, Western grebe-1, Loon sp.-1, Pacific wren-1, White-crowned sparrow-1.
Dead Fish or Invertebrates
Unusual concentration. Velella velella in wrack lines; photo.
Driftline Content
Seaweeds and seagrass, Animal casings (e.g., crab, shrimp molt), Wood pieces. Velella velella in wrack lines. Some green mossy looking algae (?) in wrack along with alder catkins. Trash found: One plastic bottle with Asian writing and a gooseneck barnacle attached; photos. I took it home. One large tractor-type tire tread up against the foredune; photo.
Natural Changes
Erosion of vegetated foredune. The Winchuck River mouth outlet is a straight shot to the ocean. It isn't meandering to the south like the last time I was here. The north parking lot is blocked off from the beach by the river at outgoing high tide. A few Camas blooming in meadow behind foredunes. These are rare plants here and should be protected from encroaching Scotch broom and cotoneaster.

Report Images
All Mile 1 Reports
Mile 1
Winchuck River, Crissey Airport, California border
River mouth channel enters ocean directly without sandbar diversion. Clean beach, no litter.
Melissa McDowell
Mile 1
Winchuck River, Crissey Airport, California border
Clean beach.
Melissa McDowell
Mile 1
Winchuck River, Crissey Airport, California border
45 People were enjoying the beach near the Visitor Center in the usual ways; walking, walking dogs (8), playing in the surf and shallows, beachcombing, sitting.
Mile 1
Winchuck River, Crissey Airport, California border
Human activity: 23 people, 6 dogs.
Mile 1
Winchuck River, Crissey Airport, California border
High tide reaching close to vegetation (composed of European beach grass) above the waveslope.
Mile 1
Winchuck River, Crissey Airport, California border
Most important observation was the dumped contruction material - mostly wood - at the end of a rough trail down the west side of dune.
Mile 1
Winchuck River, Crissey Airport, California border
Beach looks super clean; no litter except for one dog poo bag.
Mile 1
Winchuck River, Crissey Airport, California border
Crissey Field Visitor Center and Winchuck River access on north side of river are both opened today.