Report Details

It is important to note that with the original first look, it was assumed to be local, so it is very important to take a closer look at the marine debris washing up on our beaches.  Kudos to Cathy for her diligence.This is the report from John Chapman.Landed 5 Oct. Sampled 7 Oct 2016A blue pallet landed at the south end of the South Shore Condos on 5 Oct. 2016. 10T 415260 m E; 4938397 m N, 5 Oct. 2016 and was found in the surf line by Cathy Tronquet Cathy took the photos on 5 Oct 2016 and moved the pallet up the beach: “So it wouldn't go back out with the tide.” The anemones of 7 Oct 16 photo had fallen off.Notes entered in Notebook #37 page 27: 7 Oct. 2016. Pallet landed on South Beach (10T 415260 m E; 4938397 m N) on 5 Oct. 2016. Cathy reported to Fawn Custer who reported to Chapman. Pallet 1x1 m by 15 cm tall, light blue with slight bleaching that is not apparent in the photos. Collected 4 samples: JTMD 905 – 4 mussels, JTMD 906 – (acorn barnacles [possibly two species], Hiatella and Anomia), JTMD 907 - Metridium preserved immediately in ETOH and JTMD 908 – Metridium are being relaxed (2016-10-10) in a menthol and MgCl solution to prepare them for preservation in “Prefer”.  NO Lepas on the pallet. Numerous byssal attachment sites missing the mussels.The base diameters of the larger acorn barnacles were about 1-1.5 cm. The larger barnacles may include two species. The small barnacles were 2-3 mm in diameter. There were many scars of the little barnacles. One of the mussels is covered with little barnacle scars out to its distal edge. (And thus, the little barnacles were relatively recent.) I found live specimens of all three barnacle types but didn’t find large barnacles or large barnacle scars on the mussels.


Cloud Cover: Cloudy.

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All Mile 213 Reports

Showing 8 of 61 reports

Mile 213

Henderson Creek, South Beach SP south

April 24, 2024

This time I concentrated on the area south of Henderson Creek where there is more activity. Photo submitted, & will be the last one. Beach was quite clean and probably because of the beach clean-up activities the previous Saturday.


Mile 213

Henderson Creek, South Beach SP south

October 31, 2023

Lovely sunny day with little wind.


decorative elemnt for a coastwatch report.

Mile 213

Henderson Creek, South Beach SP south

May 10, 2023

A pleasant day on the beach at very low tide which exposed one large tidal pool which hadn't seen before.


Mile 213

Henderson Creek, South Beach SP south

July 6, 2022


Mile 213

Henderson Creek, South Beach SP south

January 23, 2022

Beach access previously had been closed for reconstruction.


Mile 213

Henderson Creek, South Beach SP south

March 2, 2021

We usually access the beach via an entry at Surfland which hasn't been easy in the past.


Mile 213

Henderson Creek, South Beach SP south

January 14, 2021

Morning after severe king tides along South Beach, OR.


Mile 213

Henderson Creek, South Beach SP south

October 24, 2020

1000s of washed up jelly fish and 1 washed up recently deceased sea lion
