All Mile 308 Reports
Mile 308
Arch Cape (community), Asbury Creek
Encounter with 2 foot lion's mane jelly!
Steve Pinger
Mile 308
Arch Cape (community), Asbury Creek
Large number of Mytilus californianus, whole dead animals, intact empty shells, single valves and fragments of shells.
John Markham
Mile 308
Arch Cape (community), Asbury Creek
Unusual number of fresh logs, some very large, some still bearing bark.
John Markham
Mile 308
Arch Cape (community), Asbury Creek
Survey taken over two days, 21, 22 September, in conjunction with COASST dead-bird survey.
John Markham
Mile 308
Arch Cape (community), Asbury Creek
An overcast day with occasional light sprinkles, but overall pleasant.
John Markham
Mile 308
Arch Cape (community), Asbury Creek
Two new colverts installed.
John Markham