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All Mile 23 Reports

Showing 8 of 52 reports

Mile 23

Pistol River SP north, south of Myers Creek

March 22, 2016

At low tide, almost 40 people were using the beach most of them walking.

Bob Harvey

Mile 23

Pistol River SP north, south of Myers Creek

January 10, 2016

Nothing but footprints on the beach--no trash, and nothing at all in the driftline.

Bob Harvey

decorative elemnt for a coastwatch report.

Mile 23

Pistol River SP north, south of Myers Creek

October 2, 2015

A few people: one windsurfer on beach , 4 walkers and a photographer.

Bob Harvey

Mile 23

Pistol River SP north, south of Myers Creek

April 21, 2015

I inspected my Mile 23 at low tide on Tuesday the 21st.

Bob Harvey

Mile 23

Pistol River SP north, south of Myers Creek

December 20, 2014

Sat morning Dec 20 about 11 am.

Bob Harvey

Mile 23

Pistol River SP north, south of Myers Creek

December 18, 2014

The large storm of one week ago has cut steep dune fronts from S to N.

Bob Harvey

decorative elemnt for a coastwatch report.

Mile 23

Pistol River SP north, south of Myers Creek

November 15, 2014

The marine gardens are inaccessible so no view of sea stars.

Bob Harvey

Mile 23

Pistol River SP north, south of Myers Creek

July 2, 2014

The beach is definitely getting more visitors but doesn't seem much the worse for it.