Report Details

Not much trash and minimal people activity, especially given what a beautiful day it was. Seems like cheating to call it the winter report when it was so lovely, but spring is still 5 days away! Spent 30 minutes on the beach, and 15 minutes or so filing the report.


Temperature: 67 F. Cloud Cover: Sunny. Wind Velocity: Calm/Light. Tide Level: 1.11 feet.

Human Activities

Number of people: 13. Number of dogs: 2. Walking or running: 5. Sitting: 1. Tidepooling: 6. Other Activities: 1 child was playing in the sand.. Nothing much going on out of the ordinary. A group of 6 young men crossed the driftwood to the small beach on the north side of Battle Rock just as we were departing. At the Port end of the beach, I did not count the three people sitting at the picnic table near the fishermen's memorial by the parking lot. The other 7 people were walking on the beach, with one child playing in the sand.


Apparent violations: none observed.

Notable Wildlife

Didn't really notice any living wildlife. Some seagulls flew overhead, but I didn't notice any land on the sand while we were there.

Beached Birds

Total dead birds: 1. Looked like a common seagull--white feathers--dead in the dry sand higher up on the beach.

Dead Fish or Invertebrates

Unusual concentration. Saw at the tide line those things that look like sails from what I've always assumed to be jellyfish. (Did not notice them on Battle Rock Beach--Mile 48.) It wasn't a huge amount--I've seen many more--but noteworthy. See photo.

Driftline Content

Wood pieces, Land-based debris (picnics, etc.), Marine debris (plastic, styrofoam, etc. washing in from the sea). Lots of blue micro-plastics.

New Development

Nothing new noted.

Man-made Modifications

None noted.

Natural Changes

None noted, other than the usual winter scouring out of sand. Beach was flat compared to summer sand levels, but I've come to this beach enough to note that this is natural for the season.

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All Mile 49 Reports

Showing 8 of 44 reports

Mile 49

Graveyard Point, Port, Harbor, Battle Rock

November 9, 2024

The beach was very clean and pristine

Gregg Cramer

Mile 49

Graveyard Point, Port, Harbor, Battle Rock

August 31, 2024

The dead jellies were only on the main beach, not the little pocket beach bordering Battle Rock.

Elaine Cramer

Mile 49

Graveyard Point, Port, Harbor, Battle Rock

May 16, 2024

Velella velella in piles with the logs high in the sand.

Peggy Grimes

Mile 49

Graveyard Point, Port, Harbor, Battle Rock

March 16, 2024

Not much trash and minimal people activity, especially given what a beautiful day it was.

Kristi Cramer

Mile 49

Graveyard Point, Port, Harbor, Battle Rock

November 24, 2023

Never seen so many dead birds on this small beach.


Mile 49

Graveyard Point, Port, Harbor, Battle Rock

August 18, 2023

Signs of fairly recent bonfires, about 4-6 different piles.


Mile 49

Graveyard Point, Port, Harbor, Battle Rock

May 13, 2023

All was quiet on the beaches.


Mile 49

Graveyard Point, Port, Harbor, Battle Rock

March 11, 2023

During a brief respite from rain, I found the Port busy withdrawing a boat from the harbor.
