Mile 259 Report
Nestucca Spit State Park, Kiwanda Beach
September 22, 2016
This was my first time on my mile in quite a while.
Report Details
This was my first time on my mile in quite a while. It looked in good shape, with lots of sand and a gently sloping foredune that did not show any signs of recent erosion. I observed one vehicle and a few people as well as tracks of vehicles, dogs, and horses. The driftline was light. The only wildlife was a few gulls on the beach and one deer on the backside of the foredune. All in all, it was just a pleasant late-summer walk on the beach.
Temperature: 55 F. Cloud Cover: Cloudy. Wind Velocity: Calm/Light. Wind Direction: W. Tide Level: 2.5 feet.
Human Activities
Number of people: 7. Walking or running: 6. Sitting: 1. More cars than people. I assume some walked beyond the mile--probably to the end of the Nestucca spit. I saw lots of vehicle tracks as well as some dog and horse tracks.
Notable Wildlife
A few gulls and one deer on the east side of the foredune.
Driftline Content
Seaweeds and seagrass, Shells, Animal casings (e.g., crab, shrimp molt), Wood pieces.
New Development
Nothing noted (most of the mile is in Straub SP).
Man-made Modifications
Nothing noted
Natural Changes
Nothing noted.
Actions & Comments
The beach and foredune looked in good shape. Lots of sand on beach, and the ocean side of the foredune was gently sloping and lots of beach grass growing on it.
All Mile 259 Reports
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Nestucca Spit State Park, Kiwanda Beach
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Nestucca Spit State Park, Kiwanda Beach
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Nestucca Spit State Park, Kiwanda Beach
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Nestucca Spit State Park, Kiwanda Beach
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Nestucca Spit State Park, Kiwanda Beach
We were not able to walk the entire mile, but we could see down the beach.
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Nestucca Spit State Park, Kiwanda Beach
This was the first trip for JGEMS for this beach with Jesse Jones from Coastwatch and Patricia McBride from the Oregon Coast Aquarium.
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Nestucca Spit State Park, Kiwanda Beach
Overall a very clean and beautiful coastline.
Mile 259
Nestucca Spit State Park, Kiwanda Beach
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