Mile 255 Report
Kiwanda Beach
February 25, 2015
Very low tide, beach very wide.
Report Details
Very low tide, beach very wide. Pleasant day despite heavy cloud cover, some fog, and light mist at times. Debris on beach was mostly small fragments of plastic, very few bottles or styrofoam pieces which have been common in previous trips. Did find two plastic pallets partially buried in sand at high water mark. These were too large for us to remove. A kind man saw Betty looking for sand dollars and gave her a whole one he had found. Seven people walking on beach, three dogs.
Temperature: 40 F. Cloud Cover: Cloudy. Wind Velocity: Calm/Light. Wind Direction: W. Tide Level: 0.0 feet.
Human Activities
Number of people: 7. Number of dogs: 3. Walking or running: 7. One person had backpacking tent at upper high tide line. Not sure if they were camping or just resting.
Notable Wildlife
Few gulls feeding at water line.
Beached Birds
Total dead birds: 3. could not determine species. All had wire ties indicating they had been counted previously.
Dead Fish or Invertebrates
One purple sea star on beach, did not appear to have suffered the wasting disease.
Driftline Content
Animal casings (e.g., crab, shrimp molt), Marine debris (plastic, styrofoam, etc. washing in from the sea), Shells, Wood pieces.

Report Images
All Mile 255 Reports
Mile 255
Kiwanda Beach
Again, no evidence of tar washing ashore. Some dead Velella velella skeletons trapped in driftwood.
Garrick Schermer
Mile 255
Kiwanda Beach
Pleasant day, several groups of people enjoying the weather.
Betty Ballentine
Mile 255
Kiwanda Beach
Severe dune erosion causing many large shrubs and trees to fall onto the beach. Previous report in February showed dune cliff stable but receding.
Garrick Schermer
Mile 255
Kiwanda Beach
Apparent crab exuvia - lots of Dungeness crab shells along the high-tide line and in the shallow mini-lagoons formed at low tide.
Mile 255
Kiwanda Beach
Juvenile bald eagle flew northbound just before the sighting of the gull.