Mile 226 Report
Otter Crest, State Wayside
December 22, 2022
There were no human activities noted near the shoreline, which is usual for this mile, but there was activity at the Lookout, where there were a moderate number of people parking and going to the viewpoints and into the Lookout building gift shop.
Report Details
There were no human activities noted near the shoreline, which is usual for this mile, but there was activity at the Lookout, where there were a moderate number of people parking and going to the viewpoints and into the Lookout building gift shop. The fact that the weather was pleasant, if a little cool, made the area reasonably user friendly for this time of year. What was notable about the wildlife was the lack of it. No physical changes were observed since the last observation at the autumnal equinox, but coming king tides coupled with storm waves could have an influence, though the resistant basalt cliffs along the mile tend to resist erosion.
Temperature: 42 F. Tide Level: 6.0 feet.
Human Activities
Other Activities: Nobody was observed near the shoreline of this mile.. One car was parked just north of the north end of the mile, but individual(s), if on the rocky shoreline, must have been on mile 227.
Apparent violations: There was a styrofoam picnic cooler with lid halfway down the cliff face about one third the way from the north end of the mile. It is in an inaccessible location for removal. The State Park ranger at the Lookout said it had been there about one month..Vehicles
Notable Wildlife
What was notable was the lack of wildlife observed. I saw only one bird, a gull, on an offshore rock.
Driftline Content
Small rocks.
New Development
Nothing was observed.
Man-made Modifications
Nothing was observed.
Natural Changes
No natural changes were observed.
Actions & Comments
There was nothing observed on which to take action.
All Mile 226 Reports
Mile 226
Otter Crest, State Wayside
People who seemed very respectful to the environment no natural disturbances or changes within the area.
Payton Abele
Mile 226
Otter Crest, State Wayside
It was a cool, breezy, and cloudy day.
George Meyer
Mile 226
Otter Crest, State Wayside
I observed no human activity or signs of disturbance to the natural environment.
Payton Abele
Mile 226
Otter Crest, State Wayside
On a partly cloudy, breezy afternoon, there were no changes, natural or otherwise, noted along or near the shoreline of mile 226.
George Meyer
Mile 226
Otter Crest, State Wayside
There were no people observed on or near the shoreline due primarily to its inaccessibility.
George Meyer
Mile 226
Otter Crest, State Wayside
No human activity was noted on or near the shoreline, the only activity noted being people driving along Otter Crest Loop, with a few parking for short periods of time at the Lookout at Otter Crest Wayside for the views.
George Meyer
Mile 226
Otter Crest, State Wayside
On a nice, fairly calm and partly cloudy day on the central Oregon coast, there were only a few people driving along Otter Crest Loop and even fewer stopping to enjoy the view from the the Lookout at Otter Crest State Scenic Wayside.
George Meyer
Mile 226
Otter Crest, State Wayside
It was a very pleasant sunny day and the ocean was calm, so visibility at and slightly below the surface of the ocean was excellent.