Mile 219 Report
North end of Agate Beach, Yaquina Head south
February 11, 2016
Winter storms have pushed sizable wood up above the average high tide mark.
Report Details
Winter storms have pushed sizable wood up above the average high tide mark. Flooding has generated additional seeps and overloaded the Agate Beach sewage facility prompting hazard notices on Lucky Gap Trail down to the beach. Cool (48F) and cloudy, one person and one dead gull noted about an hour after high tide.
Human Activities
Number of people: 1. Other Activities: Poking around in driftwood. RAW SEWAGE warning signs posted, reportedly in place for 2-3 weeks after floods affected Agate Beach sewage facility. At the time of this visit, no smell.
Beached Birds
Total dead birds: 1. Gull
Driftline Content
Wood pieces. 1+meter, continuous distribution
Natural Changes
two new seeps flowing across beach
All Mile 219 Reports
Mile 219
North end of Agate Beach, Yaquina Head south
Foggy uneventful morning.
Mile 219
North end of Agate Beach, Yaquina Head south
Report finds no unusual developments or observations at this location and no new causes for concern were identified.
Mile 219
North end of Agate Beach, Yaquina Head south
It was a calm, quiet morning at Yaquina Head.
Mile 219
North end of Agate Beach, Yaquina Head south
It is a beautiful, quiet day.
Mile 219
North end of Agate Beach, Yaquina Head south
It has been a beautiful, calm morning at Yaquina Head with low wind and one visitor.
Mile 219
North end of Agate Beach, Yaquina Head south
It was a brilliantly sunny day although the stiff east wind was very chilly.
Mile 219
North end of Agate Beach, Yaquina Head south
It was a chilly, cloudy/foggy Monday morning so there were only a handful of visitors in the park, none of whom were on the beach.
Mile 219
North end of Agate Beach, Yaquina Head south
It was an entirely typical day at Yaquina Head on cobble beach and quarry cove.