Mile 189 Report
Gwynn Cr, Neptune SP / North access, Cummins Cr
July 29, 2020
Very busy with people and dogs, but beach still clean and no major problems.
Report Details
Very busy with people and dogs, but beach still clean and no major problems.
Temperature: 60 F. Wind Velocity: Strong. Wind Direction: NW. Tide Level: 2.1 feet.
Human Activities
Number of people: 57. Number of dogs: 12. Walking or running: 30. Playing in surf: 2. Playing in sand: 15. Sitting: 5. Photography: 2. Tidepooling: 3.
Fire, Climbing bluffs/seastacks
Apparent violations: Evidence of several beach fires using cut wood and planks of 2 x 4's. Stair steps were cut into the dirt and shell midden bank from the north end of the north Neptune parking lot to the sea level where the culvert for Gwyn Creek empties from under the highway. Parties of people building driftwood structures. Small writing and messages written on rocks (minor)..Vehicles
Notable Wildlife
Seagulls, crows, oyster catchers
Driftline Content
Small rocks, Seaweeds and seagrass, Shells, Animal casings (e.g., crab, shrimp molt), Wood pieces. Beach was very clean considering all the use its getting now.
New Development
Steps down bluff. See photo and "Concerns"

Report Images
All Mile 189 Reports
Mile 189
Gwynn Cr, Neptune SP / North access, Cummins Cr
All in all a beautiful low tide day with very little debris on the beach.
Mile 189
Gwynn Cr, Neptune SP / North access, Cummins Cr
Beautiful mostly sunny morning with wide open sandy beach due to minus tide.
Mile 189
Gwynn Cr, Neptune SP / North access, Cummins Cr
Quiet, calm day with minimal human activity, and little changes to beach or litter.
Mile 189
Gwynn Cr, Neptune SP / North access, Cummins Cr
I was on the mile from 5:40 am to about 8 am.
Mile 189
Gwynn Cr, Neptune SP / North access, Cummins Cr
Graffiti covered up.
Mile 189
Gwynn Cr, Neptune SP / North access, Cummins Cr
Very busy with people and dogs, but beach still clean and no major problems.
Mile 189
Gwynn Cr, Neptune SP / North access, Cummins Cr
Someone/organization has painted over the grafitti that had been sprayed all over the retaining wall under the freeway at the Gwynn Creek culvert (just north of the north Neptune Beach parking lot).