Mile 147 Report
Oregon Dunes NRA, North Spit Umpqua River, Winchester Bay
September 28, 2020
Mile 147 looked clean with the build up of blowing summer sands.
Report Details
Mile 147 looked clean with the build up of blowing summer sands. The fordune was continuous with the beach as the sand had accumulated in front of the fordune making a ramp to the top. Same with the Jetty rock and the old road leading to the foredune. The Sparrow Park rd. leading to the beach has had some improvement to the giant water hole that a vehicle must cross before reaching the beach.
Temperature: 80 F. Wind Velocity: Calm/Light. Wind Direction: SE. Tide Level: 7.0 feet.
Human Activities
Number of people: 3. Other Activities: 4 wheel vehicles. Driving along the beach.
Notable Wildlife
Pelicans in great numbers skimming along the waves. 9 Sea Lions near the Jetty
Beached Birds
Total dead birds: 5. 4 Cormorants and one hawk
Driftline Content
Seaweeds and seagrass, Shells, Animal casings (e.g., crab, shrimp molt), Ocean-based debris (from fishing boats, ship trash, etc.). Picked up one large garbage bag full of trash. Most trash buried under the sand blown in over the summer months.

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All Mile 147 Reports
Mile 147
Oregon Dunes NRA, North Spit Umpqua River, Winchester Bay
Mile 147 exhibited a lot of sand being deposited against the bluff and jetty.
Mile 147
Oregon Dunes NRA, North Spit Umpqua River, Winchester Bay
Beach appeared to be normal.
Mile 147
Oregon Dunes NRA, North Spit Umpqua River, Winchester Bay
Miles 141-147 did not have any die offs or concentrations of dead marine or invertebrate animals.
Mile 147
Oregon Dunes NRA, North Spit Umpqua River, Winchester Bay
Beach did not display any abnormalities as far as erosion or die offs of sealife.
Mile 147
Oregon Dunes NRA, North Spit Umpqua River, Winchester Bay
Mile 147 looked clean with the build up of blowing summer sands.
Mile 147
Oregon Dunes NRA, North Spit Umpqua River, Winchester Bay
Coastline along Mile 147 and the preceding Mile 144-146 were clean of major garbage and trash.
Mile 147
Oregon Dunes NRA, North Spit Umpqua River, Winchester Bay
Since my last visit in June 2017 there were noticable difference to the bluff on the southern end of mile 147 before the Jetty.