Mile 330 Report
Sunset Beach, Sunset Lake
March 21, 2023
It was a sunny, clear day.
Report Details
It was a sunny, clear day. There was 12 people walking, walking their dogs, and playing in the sand. There were 6 tufted puffins seen swimming in the waves! There was a strange amount of dead crabs washed shore, some still whole but dead. There was a possible marine mammal carcass decaying on the beach. There was various pieces of clothing found as litter, trash near extinguished campfires, and fishing debris such as nets. We filled an entire trash bag while conducting this survey.
Temperature: 48 F. Cloud Cover: Sunny. Wind Velocity: Calm/Light. Wind Direction: NW. Tide Level: 7.3 feet.
Human Activities
Number of people: 14. Number of dogs: 2. Walking or running: 6. Playing in sand: 6. Sitting: 2. Two people were walking their dog and brought us trash they picked up. ORPD was driving the beach and also picking up trash. They are included in the Cars/Trucks count.
Notable Wildlife
6 Tuffed puffins seen swimming in the water. Small shorebirds, possibly semipalmated plovers were seen along shoreline.
Dead Fish or Invertebrates
Many dead crabs seen along the shoreline. Dead marine mammal carcass on beach - undistinguishable
Driftline Content
Shells, Animal casings (e.g., crab, shrimp molt), Wood pieces, Styrofoam, Ocean-based debris (from fishing boats, ship trash, etc.).

Report Images
All Mile 330 Reports
Mile 330
Sunset Beach, Sunset Lake
I am writing this dispatch report for Coast Watch mile 330, Sunset Beach to document notable avifauna I observed during spring migration, which include 12 Ruddy Turnstone, 7 Black Turnstone, 3 Black-bellied Plovers along with Whimbrel, Semipalmated Plover, Western Sandpiper, and Dunlin. Also noted on the beach feeding on a dead seal carcass was a juvenile bald eagle (see photo below).
Mile 330
Sunset Beach, Sunset Lake
An early morning walk on mile 330 with overcast skies, rain, and moderate wind revealed few humans (mainly people clamming at the low tide) yet significant marine debris along the wrack line.
Mile 330
Sunset Beach, Sunset Lake
Three NPS staff went out to do a beach clean up and coast walk.
Mile 330
Sunset Beach, Sunset Lake
We went out to do a beach clean up with the intention of walking our full mile.
Mile 330
Sunset Beach, Sunset Lake
Three Lewis and Clark National Historic Park employees went and walked the mile to pick up garbage and complete the survey.
Mile 330
Sunset Beach, Sunset Lake
On the Winter Solstice, December 21, 2022 at an outgoing 5ft tide, three people surveyed Mile 330 for an hour.
Mile 330
Sunset Beach, Sunset Lake
There were many birds, living and dead (9), seen on the mile of beach.