Report Details

This was a very late (actually second of spring) winter walk. Beautiful late afternoon sun, but very windy. Walked up somewhat protected bay side and saw numerous waterfowl: Western Grebe, Surf Scoter, Northern Pintail, Dunlin, Common Merganser, and hordes of Buffleheads. Heard the lovely spring song of a Ruby-crowned Kinglet and also heard a number of Wrentits. Tillamook Bay was beautiful and quiet with the wind from the northeast driving breakers across the water. On the beach side, the sand was blowing hard and, with somewhat limited vision, I saw that there was little debris showing, perhaps covered by sand. Little animal life, but one development was new. There were several tepee like structures built from which people had hung plastic bags, at least one a SOLV bag, in which to place debris picked up on the beach. This was definitely a positive change. Otherwise, it was an uneventful but beautiful and relaxing walk.


Temperature: 45 F. Cloud Cover: Sunny. Wind Velocity: Strong. Wind Direction: NE. Tide Level: 4.2 feet.


Cars/trucks parking: 7.

Notable Wildlife

Little of anything. On beach only saw 2 Am. Crows, 1 Western Gull, and 1 Northern Harrier flying low over the dunes behind the beach.

Driftline Content

Small rocks.

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All Mile 288 Reports

Showing 8 of 58 reports

Mile 288

Bayocean Peninsula, Kincheloe Point

November 10, 2024

Mile 288 showed no signs of man-made disturbance, and no one was on-site during my monitoring. I was glad to see a flock of plovers flying in the foredune again!


Mile 288

Bayocean Peninsula, Kincheloe Point

March 14, 2024

It was an incredibly busy day for Mile 288 the day before the snowy plover nesting season began! I was glad to see DOGAMI and OPRD on-site, and appreciated OPRD's willingness to haul the debris I collected back to their dumpsters. It was also exciting to see so many plovers in the wet sand.

Karen Schank

Mile 288

Bayocean Peninsula, Kincheloe Point

September 24, 2023

The weather is definitely turning.


decorative elemnt for a coastwatch report.

Mile 288

Bayocean Peninsula, Kincheloe Point

September 10, 2023

It was a beautifully calm, warm, sunny day along mile 288.


Mile 288

Bayocean Peninsula, Kincheloe Point

January 29, 2023

There were 6 or more plovers and large accumulations of driftwood (both along the base and on top of the foredune cutbank).


Mile 288

Bayocean Peninsula, Kincheloe Point

May 21, 2022

It was a beautiful, warm, sunny Saturday with a moderate north wind.


Mile 288

Bayocean Peninsula, Kincheloe Point

January 17, 2022

It was great to see two separate families picking up beach trash/debris in the driftline from the most recent storms including in Mile 288!


Mile 288

Bayocean Peninsula, Kincheloe Point

December 23, 2021

There was clear indications of active foredune erosion with visible cutbanks (see photo) and significant debris.
