Mile 261 Report
Haystack Rock, Cape Kiwanda
February 14, 2022
Sand is moving back covering exposed rock and piling up along sand bank.
Report Details
Sand is moving back covering exposed rock and piling up along sand bank. Recent erosion, sand sluffing down south side of sand dune near access to path up the dune. See picture...
Temperature: 50 F. Cloud Cover: Partly Cloudy. Wind Velocity: Moderate. Wind Direction: NW. Tide Level: 2.0 feet.
Human Activities
Number of people: 10. Number of dogs: 3. Walking or running: 10. North of boat ramp were 6 fire rings some with cans in fire and garbage nearby.
Litter, Driftwood removal
Apparent violations: Recent signs of firewood cutting, not sure about legality of this..Vehicles
Notable Wildlife
Seagulls only
Beached Birds
Total dead birds: 2. 1 seagull, 1 western grebe
Stranded Marine Mammals
Dead Sea lion still there peeeyouuuu! Smell is powerful!
Dead Fish or Invertebrates
Unusual concentration. 20+ jelly fish remains for dinner along mile, concentrated north of boat ramp
Driftline Content
Wood pieces, Land-based debris (picnics, etc.), Marine debris (plastic, styrofoam, etc. washing in from the sea), Ocean-based debris (from fishing boats, ship trash, etc.). Few pieces of rope.
New Development
Human paths created down sand banks
Natural Changes
Wind blown sand filling in around sand bluffs, sand moving in from tidal action completely covering loose rocks south of ramp and some rocks covered at cape

Report Images
All Mile 261 Reports
Mile 261
Haystack Rock, Cape Kiwanda
One day after a King Tide Nice sunny day at the beach, 47 degrees and calm winds. Grass that was growing between the dunes and high zone completely gone. Normal human activities at the beach . No beached birds or mammals found.
Eric Matthews
Mile 261
Haystack Rock, Cape Kiwanda
Nice, sunny 48 degrees 5 mph wind from the NE.
Eric Matthews
Mile 261
Haystack Rock, Cape Kiwanda
Nice sunny 55 degree day, calm if any winds.
Eric Matthews
Mile 261
Haystack Rock, Cape Kiwanda
66 degrees, sunny, calm wind. 4 beached birds found.
Eric Matthews
Mile 261
Haystack Rock, Cape Kiwanda
The beach looked great as far as litter, and erosion.
Eric Matthews
Mile 261
Haystack Rock, Cape Kiwanda
Wonderful sunny day 65. degrees. New construction in the State parking lot at the north end of the mile. Found 1 beached (dead) bird; a Brown Pelican in the high bare zone, middle of the Mile.
Eric Matthews
Mile 261
Haystack Rock, Cape Kiwanda
A rather nice day, 55 degrees, clouds and no wind.
Eric Matthews