Report Details

Approximately 2.8 MILLION bits of plastic on a 1/8 mile stretch of beach.

Human Activities

Number of people: 7. Number of dogs: 3. Walking or running: 7. Tidepooling: 2. The posted photograph of plastic debris bears witness to the receding tidal driftline content and a broadcast distribution covering 1/8 mile and 39 feet wide. An average of several square foot samplings in an average density (as opposed to the areas with a very dense driftline content) yielded 109 bits of plastic. That means approximately 2.8 MILLION bits of plastic were on the 1/8 mile stretch of beach! It consisted primarily of pulverized bits but a concentration as well of bottle caps. Special note for Terry Thompson and others in denial about the false sea palm: after HEAVY storms there was not a single dislodged false sea palm. I maintain that the sea palm, found attached to sheared bits of rock and barnacle clusters, washing up on Road's End during the summer months the last three years are the result of bottom dragging.

Notable Wildlife

There were very few birds

Beached Birds

Total dead birds: 1. The vestigal remains of a small seabird, perhaps a sanderling.

Driftline Content

Marine debris (plastic, styrofoam, etc. washing in from the sea).

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All Mile 245 Reports

Showing 8 of 178 reports

Mile 245

Roads End Beach, Wayside, Logan Creek

January 22, 2025

A beautiful afternoon on the beach.

Donald and Cheri Dour/Soyland

Mile 245

Roads End Beach, Wayside, Logan Creek

January 10, 2025

Very quiet day.

Lisa Bizon-Carroll

Mile 245

Roads End Beach, Wayside, Logan Creek

October 25, 2024

Beautiful warm day - not crowded.

Lisa Bizon-Carroll

Mile 245

Roads End Beach, Wayside, Logan Creek

August 23, 2024

Lots of human activity and evidence of campfires and "building" with driftwood.

Lisa Bizon-Carroll

Mile 245

Roads End Beach, Wayside, Logan Creek

June 26, 2024

Was a dreary day, but active with the low tide.

Lisa Bizon-Carroll

Mile 245

Roads End Beach, Wayside, Logan Creek

March 26, 2024

Tourist season is upon us - observed later in the day, but leftovers visible.

Lisa Bizon-Carroll

Mile 245

Roads End Beach, Wayside, Logan Creek

January 23, 2024

After king tides and heavy surf, most of the usual driftwood was up nearer the bank along with minimal bull kelp.

Lisa Bizon-Carroll

Mile 245

Roads End Beach, Wayside, Logan Creek

November 18, 2023

The beach mile varied quite a bit - with the south (less traveled) section with darkened sands and clear of most debris while the north end, with more visitors, was covered in stones with more small debris (esp.
