Mile 238 Report
Salishan Spit, North Lagoon, Siletz Bay
November 27, 2016
There were few people and one dog on this mile today.
Report Details
There were few people and one dog on this mile today. Driftline had the normal type of plastic polution we see here bottles, cups, styrofoam, plastic bits and some rope pieces from vessels. The physical changes have been in the foredune and addition of grading and riprap from last years storms over the summer months.
Cloud Cover: Partly Cloudy.
Human Activities
Number of people: 3. Number of dogs: 1. Walking or running: 3. Overcast and fairly cold so not much beach activity
Beached Birds
Total dead birds: 1. No bands, not freshly dead a type of gull.
Driftline Content
Wood pieces, Marine debris (plastic, styrofoam, etc. washing in from the sea), Styrofoam, Ocean-based debris (from fishing boats, ship trash, etc.). fair amount of plastic debris (plastic bottles,plastic cups, sides of trays, bits of Styrofoam, pieces of hard flat plastic) boating debris (ropes tangled around sticks)
New Development
Bluff development. Over the course of 2016 from the early storms in January and December 2015 there has been quite a bit of erosion of the sand and retaining rocks. This summer there was much rebuilding of the bank in front of the coast houses with rock and regrading of the sand barrier. The entrance is now down a graded sand slope that someone has dug wooded steps into.
Man-made Modifications
New riprap or shoreline protection structures. see above
Natural Changes
Erosion of vegetated foredune.
All Mile 238 Reports
Mile 238
Salishan Spit, North Lagoon, Siletz Bay
Beware of the tides, all closed beach accesses, and daily changes to the beach itself at this time of year.
Mile 238
Salishan Spit, North Lagoon, Siletz Bay
Not much activity or change.
Mile 238
Salishan Spit, North Lagoon, Siletz Bay
The beach was completely empty today.
Mile 238
Salishan Spit, North Lagoon, Siletz Bay
Beach was completely deserted today. The only usable accesses are at 50B and in between properties 281 and 283.
Catherine Berger
Mile 238
Salishan Spit, North Lagoon, Siletz Bay
Beach was calm and litter-free.
Mile 238
Salishan Spit, North Lagoon, Siletz Bay
Some beach accesses have been reopened (50B and between property 281/283).
Mile 238
Salishan Spit, North Lagoon, Siletz Bay
Beach accesses are currently closed along Salishan Drive, except at the end of the road at access #50, and an unmarked access at lot #349.
Mile 238
Salishan Spit, North Lagoon, Siletz Bay
Very little beach to walk on at this time of year at high tide.