Mile 211 Report
Lost Creek Wayside north, Holiday Beach south
March 17, 2018
Mile 211 is relatively unspoiled, at least south of Thiele Creek.
Report Details
Mile 211 is relatively unspoiled, at least south of Thiele Creek. The mud and standing pools of water have disappeared for the moment, and the level of the beach has dropped several feet, uncovering rocky substratum that is covered in sand in summer. The beach is beautiful, broad when the tide is out, and has relatively few people walking it.
Temperature: 48 F. Cloud Cover: Cloudy. Wind Velocity: Moderate. Wind Direction: NW. Tide Level: 5.6 feet.
Human Activities
Number of people: 15. Number of dogs: 3. Walking or running: 14. Beautiful, isolated beach, and I noted no problems with human activities.
Notable Wildlife
2 bald eagles in flight observed walking north on beach, and one large bird that may have been a turkey vulture. Walking south back to parking lot, observed two bald eagles perched in a dead tree at top of cliff; may have been the same two I saw in flight earlier, but I don't know that.
Dead Fish or Invertebrates
Some white/translucent by-the-wind sailors.
Driftline Content
Small rocks, Seaweeds and seagrass, Shells, Animal casings (e.g., crab, shrimp molt), Wood pieces, Land-based debris (picnics, etc.), Marine debris (plastic, styrofoam, etc. washing in from the sea), Styrofoam, Ocean-based debris (from fishing boats, ship trash, etc.). Found two partial foam fish floats, and two hooks attached to small section of line.
New Development
Drainage pipes. As noted above, there are now four drainage pipes, some but not all of which I have reported on in the past, and the end of one drainage pipe protruding from rip rap.
Natural Changes
Sand has lowered by several feet, revealing underlying rocks.
Actions & Comments
I have not made any attempts to determine which houses originate the drainage pipes, and have not discussed with any residents. I picked up and carried back to the garbage area at the beach access: all styrofoam bits I found, except fish floats; jagged piece of brown glass; one plastic bottle; one plastic coffee cup (filled with sand); fish hooks and section of line; one paper fast food wrapper; one clear plastic bag.

Report Images
All Mile 211 Reports
Mile 211
Lost Creek Wayside north, Holiday Beach south
Erosion in the face of the embankment continues, including new large boulder falls.
Mile 211
Lost Creek Wayside north, Holiday Beach south
Relatively large number of people (for mile 211) were enjoying the beach on a sunny, inviting day.
Mile 211
Lost Creek Wayside north, Holiday Beach south
Fairly big crowd for mile 211 on a foggy June 21, most of the people as usual near the beach access at Lost Creek Wayside.
Mile 211
Lost Creek Wayside north, Holiday Beach south
My last previous report was at the end of 2019, but the changes over the last year are typical of Mile 211, including rockslides or boulder falls, rockfields covering parts of the beach, and a new drainage pipe.
Mile 211
Lost Creek Wayside north, Holiday Beach south
More than 10 previously unobserved drainage pipes in places with already existing pipes.
Mile 211
Lost Creek Wayside north, Holiday Beach south
I tried to pick up and carry back to trash collection area all plastic pieces I found larger than 1 square inch, but for every piece I picked up there were at least 100 smaller pieces, a great increase over the amount of plastic just a few years ago.
Mile 211
Lost Creek Wayside north, Holiday Beach south
The contour of the beach has changed again so that there are numerous patches of standing water at the base of the embankment.
Mile 211
Lost Creek Wayside north, Holiday Beach south
Most of the people were within 100 yards of the Lost Creek beach access.