Mile 211 Report
Lost Creek Wayside north, Holiday Beach south
June 12, 2019
Most of the people were within 100 yards of the Lost Creek beach access.
Report Details
Most of the people were within 100 yards of the Lost Creek beach access. Standing water has begun to appear on beach, both near base of embankment and near water's edge (see photos). Pleasant day, mostly sun plus fog, as well as low clouds over ocean.
Temperature: 68 F. Cloud Cover: Partly Cloudy. Wind Velocity: Moderate. Wind Direction: S. Tide Level: 1.1 feet.
Human Activities
Number of people: 32. Number of dogs: 6. Walking or running: 14. Playing in surf: 2. Playing in sand: 4. Sitting: 2. Surfing: 2. Other Activities: Kite flying 3; bike riding 3. Saw one set of tracks on beach which appeared to be from an ATV (based on distance between wheels), but don't know if it was illegal.
Notable Wildlife
2 birds which appeared to be whimbrels, presumably stragglers; 1 turkey vulture
Beached Birds
Total dead birds: 1. No leg band, appeared to be a gull; see photo
Driftline Content
Small rocks, Seaweeds and seagrass, Shells, Animal casings (e.g., crab, shrimp molt), Wood pieces, Land-based debris (picnics, etc.), Marine debris (plastic, styrofoam, etc. washing in from the sea), Styrofoam. A chld's plush toy; a glove; what appeared to be plastic bristles somehow embedded in a small rock.
New Development
3 drainage pipes, but I have already reported on them in earlier reports.
Man-made Modifications
Nothing that isn't in prior reports

Report Images
All Mile 211 Reports
Mile 211
Lost Creek Wayside north, Holiday Beach south
Erosion in the face of the embankment continues, including new large boulder falls.
Mile 211
Lost Creek Wayside north, Holiday Beach south
Relatively large number of people (for mile 211) were enjoying the beach on a sunny, inviting day.
Mile 211
Lost Creek Wayside north, Holiday Beach south
Fairly big crowd for mile 211 on a foggy June 21, most of the people as usual near the beach access at Lost Creek Wayside.
Mile 211
Lost Creek Wayside north, Holiday Beach south
My last previous report was at the end of 2019, but the changes over the last year are typical of Mile 211, including rockslides or boulder falls, rockfields covering parts of the beach, and a new drainage pipe.
Mile 211
Lost Creek Wayside north, Holiday Beach south
More than 10 previously unobserved drainage pipes in places with already existing pipes.
Mile 211
Lost Creek Wayside north, Holiday Beach south
I tried to pick up and carry back to trash collection area all plastic pieces I found larger than 1 square inch, but for every piece I picked up there were at least 100 smaller pieces, a great increase over the amount of plastic just a few years ago.
Mile 211
Lost Creek Wayside north, Holiday Beach south
The contour of the beach has changed again so that there are numerous patches of standing water at the base of the embankment.
Mile 211
Lost Creek Wayside north, Holiday Beach south
Most of the people were within 100 yards of the Lost Creek beach access.