Mile 142 Report
Oregon Dunes NRA, Coos/Douglas county line
August 5, 2019
A nice quiet stretch of beach.
Report Details
A nice quiet stretch of beach. Wildlife sitings for both miles 142 and 141 are noted on the 141 report. Active plover nesting with good signage and protection.
Temperature: 63 F. Cloud Cover: Cloudy. Wind Velocity: Calm/Light. Wind Direction: N. Tide Level: -0.4 feet.
Human Activities
No people on beach or parking area at start. A total of 9 people were noted adjacent to the Third Beach parking area upon our return around noon. The parking area is well north of Mile 142.
Dead Fish or Invertebrates
Driftline Content
Small rocks, Seaweeds and seagrass, Shells, Animal casings (e.g., crab, shrimp molt), Wood pieces, Ocean-based debris (from fishing boats, ship trash, etc.). Light amount of trash/plastics
New Development
Man-made Modifications
None. Signage and ropes noted for plover nesting areas
Natural Changes
a 2 foot (on avg) ledge between high and low tide areas ran along this entire mile
Actions & Comments
The Oregon Dunes Staff is doing a good job keeping OHVs off the beach with signage and blockades. People tacks can be noted at various access points, but no tire tracks, hurray.

Report Images
All Mile 142 Reports
Mile 142
Oregon Dunes NRA, Coos/Douglas county line
Little evidence of human influence in this area except plover management measures.
Mile 142
Oregon Dunes NRA, Coos/Douglas county line
A nice quiet stretch of beach.
Mile 142
Oregon Dunes NRA, Coos/Douglas county line
Higher number of dead crabs in wrack line than usual.
Mile 142
Oregon Dunes NRA, Coos/Douglas county line
Wonderful contrasts of gray and white.
Mile 142
Oregon Dunes NRA, Coos/Douglas county line
Beautiful weather for enjoying this quiet remote section of beach.
Mile 142
Oregon Dunes NRA, Coos/Douglas county line
A pleasantly sunny and warm day for January.
Mile 142
Oregon Dunes NRA, Coos/Douglas county line
A balmy pleasant day on the beach.
Mile 142
Oregon Dunes NRA, Coos/Douglas county line
A busy summer weekend, but few people make it to this section of the coast - makes it nice!