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Oregon Shores Hiring for New Land Use Position
Oregon Shores is building capacity and adding staff as we tackle new challenges and new opportunities. We recently announced that we are hiring a new Executive Director, while the current executive director moves into a newly created position, that of Conservation Director (see following article).
We are also hiring for another new position, that of Land Use Coordinator. We’re looking for someone who will assist the Conservation Director in revising policy while also giving us a much stronger presence in organizing our members and other citizens for grassroots engagement with land use, water quality, and other regulatory issues.
Here is the description of the new position.
This comes at a crucial time for the protection of coastal resources. The state has begun a years-long process of revisiting “estuary management plans” (EMPs) for all of Oregon’s major estuaries, beginning with Yaquina Bay and Coos Bay. It is essential that we play a very active role in demanding protection for the important resources harbored by these estuaries and their watersheds. Our public beaches are also under threat, as landowners push to get around rules that prevent the entire shoreline from being riprapped, which can starve beaches of their sand supply and block public access. Important decisions are on the horizon concerning offshore wind development, use of drones on the shoreline, public access needs, and other issues. The new position will strengthen our ability to handle all these issues, and more.
Please help us find the right person to advance our work by circulating the job announcement to anyone who might be interested.
If interested in the position, contact Phillip Johnson, Oregon Shores’ executive director, at