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decorative elemnt for a coastwatch report.

Mile 49

Graveyard Point, Port, Harbor, Battle Rock

June 9, 2009

As I sat on a rock to watch the activity at the port, I observed one fishing vessel come in and the fish in containers were hoisted to the dock.


decorative elemnt for a coastwatch report.

Mile 49

Graveyard Point, Port, Harbor, Battle Rock

March 18, 2009

Little beach activity; sands mostly clean.


decorative elemnt for a coastwatch report.

Mile 49

Graveyard Point, Port, Harbor, Battle Rock

December 10, 2008

One of a string of calm, beautiful days at the beach here.


decorative elemnt for a coastwatch report.

Mile 49

Graveyard Point, Port, Harbor, Battle Rock

September 18, 2008

A typical day at the beach and on the dock.


decorative elemnt for a coastwatch report.

Mile 49

Graveyard Point, Port, Harbor, Battle Rock

June 6, 2008

The most unusual factor was the extreme low tide (-2.


decorative elemnt for a coastwatch report.

Mile 49

Graveyard Point, Port, Harbor, Battle Rock

March 12, 2008

A very calm day, even at the dock.


decorative elemnt for a coastwatch report.

Mile 49

Graveyard Point, Port, Harbor, Battle Rock

December 20, 2007

Although the bird carcasses noted above were of varying ages, I think it likely that most of them were victims of the Dec.


decorative elemnt for a coastwatch report.

Mile 49

Graveyard Point, Port, Harbor, Battle Rock

September 5, 2007

Nothing unusual nor of concern
