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All Mile 202 Reports

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Mile 202

North Spit Alsea River

April 1, 2022

I walked Mile 202 today with fellow CoastWatcher and U.

Jon French

Mile 202

North Spit Alsea River

March 23, 2022

This is commercial season for what they call Market Squid, small squid that only live a year or so.

Jon French

Mile 202

North Spit Alsea River

January 14, 2022

A beautiful day on Mile 202, with sunlight refracting through the clouds making the sun look huge.

Jon French

Mile 202

North Spit Alsea River

December 4, 2021

I don't often walk the beach when it's so windy, but I wanted to get in a final walk before my hip replacement on Tuesday.

Jon French

Mile 202

North Spit Alsea River

October 27, 2021

I have reported before on the problems of erosion and sand accumulation along the southern portion of NW Oceania Drive paralleling Mile 202's Bayshore Beach.

Jon French

Mile 202

North Spit Alsea River

October 13, 2021

With the November 2nd election approaching, yard signs are up on Oceania Drive, which parallel's Mile 202's Bayshore Beach, supporting and opposing Lincoln County ballot initiative 21-203, which would restrict and phase out short term rental vacation houses (STRs) in certain unincorporated residential areas of the county, including Mile 202 and all of the Bayshore community.

Jon French

Mile 202

North Spit Alsea River

July 31, 2021

The fog and north wind of the past few days eased this morning, and although there was no sun to speak of, plenty of people and their dogs were out enjoying the beach.

Jon French

Mile 202

North Spit Alsea River

July 21, 2021

Possible dead Harbour Seal with ODFW tag.
