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All Mile 202 Reports

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Mile 202

North Spit Alsea River

February 15, 2023

Today's walk included my first COASST (Coastal Observation And Seabird Survey Team) survey for beached birds.

Jon French

Mile 202

North Spit Alsea River

January 23, 2023

Since my last Mile 202 walk in mid December, King Tides and storms have deposited a large amount of driftwood up and down the beach and have eroded portions of the foredune along the more narrow northern end of the mile.

Jon French

Mile 202

North Spit Alsea River

December 13, 2022

I entered the beach hoping to find and count the Western Snowy Plovers that winter here.

Jon French

Mile 202

North Spit Alsea River

October 12, 2022

This was my first Mile 202 walk since the end of Snowy Plover nesting season in September.

Jon French

Mile 202

North Spit Alsea River

July 21, 2022

Every day now for over a week, I and two other U.

Jon French

Mile 202

North Spit Alsea River

May 25, 2022

I walked today with my fellow CoastWatcher and Plover Patrol volunteer Nancy Thomas.

Jon French

Mile 202

North Spit Alsea River

May 1, 2022

As I entered the beach at access 67D with my fellow CoastWatcher Nancy Thomas, we saw a Bald Eagle sitting on a carcass.

Jon French

Mile 202

North Spit Alsea River

April 23, 2022

There weren't many people on the beach for a Spring weekend, the day after Earth Day.

Jon French