All Mile 20 Reports
Mile 20
Saddle Rock, Crook Point
Very light and patchy driftline with 21 genera of kelp/algae, a few olive and mussel shells, 2 small Cryptochitons(Gumboot Chitons), one Blood Star (Henricia), several Spot-bellied Rock Crabs (Cancer antennarius), and Dungeness Crab (Cancer magister) carapaces, One Kelp Crab (Pugettia producta) carapace, Feather-duster worm tubes, a few Leather Bryozoa, two sponges and Hydrozoa and ocean-based debris in the driftline.
D Bilderback
Mile 20
Saddle Rock, Crook Point
Twenty-five species of kelp/algae, clumps of surfgrass, small rocks, Leather Bryozoa, Hydrozoa, Sea pork tunicates, Stylea (Stalked Tunicate), one Cryptochiton, Sponges, jellies, one empty skate eggcase in driftline.
D Bilderback
Mile 20
Saddle Rock, Crook Point
Kelp/algae (see list in General Comment), wood, Eelgrass (Zostera), Sea Grass (Phyllospadix), a few Spot-bellied Crab (Cancer antennarius) carapaces and Leather Bryozoan (Flestrellia spinifera) found in the driftline.
D Bilderback
Mile 20
Saddle Rock, Crook Point
26 species of kelp/algae with Bryozoans, Hydrozoans and a few jellys in the driftline.
D Bilderback
Mile 20
Saddle Rock, Crook Point
Kelp (Alaria (Ribbon Kelp), Polysyphonia, Desmarestia ligulata (Acid Kelp or Broad Acid Weed), several species of Callophyllis (Beautiful Leaf Seaweed), Hymenena (Black-lined Red Seaweed), Cystoseira (Northern Bladder Chain), Prionitis cartilagieum (Sea Braid), Pleurophycus (Broad-rib Kelp), Fucus (Rockweed),Mastocarpus pappillatus (Turkish Washcloth), Pelvetiopsis limitata (Little Rockweed), Ahnfeltia (Wiry Forked Seaweed), Microcladia (Coarse Sea Lace), Erythrophyllum (Red Sea Leaf) and Ptilota (Sea Fern)), Hydrozoa, Red Rock Crab carapaces, the Spiny Leather Bryozoan, Flustrellidra, and Eelgrass, (Zostera) were found in the driftline.
D Bilderback
Mile 20
Saddle Rock, Crook Point
On the nearshore headland, we saw a Lupine Blue Butterfly and a Checkerspot Butterfly.
D Bilderback
Mile 20
Saddle Rock, Crook Point
Kelp (Constantinea (Cup and Saucer Seaweed), Lessoniopsis (Strap Kelp), Pterygophora (Old Growth Kelp), Hedophyllum (Sea Cabbage), Fucus (Rockweed),Cryptoplura (Ruffled Red Seaweed), Chondracanthus (Turkish Towel), Osmundea (Sea Laurel), Ahnfeltiopsis (Flat-tipped Forked Seaweed), Callophyllis (Beautiful Leaf Seaweed), Hymenena (Black-lined Red Seaweed) and Plocamium(Sea Braid), 4 large dead Cryptochiton (Gum Boot Chiton), Bryozoa, Hydrozoa, and the Tunicates: Aplidium (Sea Pork), Distaplia (Clubbed Compound Tunicate), Styela (Stalked Tunicate) and Ritterella and ocean-based debris in the driftline south of Crook Point.
D Bilderback