Mile 20 Report
Saddle Rock, Crook Point
May 22, 2008
Kelp (Alaria (Ribbon Kelp), Polysyphonia, Desmarestia ligulata (Acid Kelp or Broad Acid Weed), several species of Callophyllis (Beautiful Leaf Seaweed), Hymenena (Black-lined Red Seaweed), Cystoseira (Northern Bladder Chain), Prionitis cartilagieum (Sea Braid), Pleurophycus (Broad-rib Kelp), Fucus (Rockweed),Mastocarpus pappillatus (Turkish Washcloth), Pelvetiopsis limitata (Little Rockweed), Ahnfeltia (Wiry Forked Seaweed), Microcladia (Coarse Sea Lace), Erythrophyllum (Red Sea Leaf) and Ptilota (Sea Fern)), Hydrozoa, Red Rock Crab carapaces, the Spiny Leather Bryozoan, Flustrellidra, and Eelgrass, (Zostera) were found in the driftline.
Report Details
Kelp (Alaria (Ribbon Kelp), Polysyphonia, Desmarestia ligulata (Acid Kelp or Broad Acid Weed), several species of Callophyllis (Beautiful Leaf Seaweed), Hymenena (Black-lined Red Seaweed), Cystoseira (Northern Bladder Chain), Prionitis cartilagieum (Sea Braid), Pleurophycus (Broad-rib Kelp), Fucus (Rockweed),Mastocarpus pappillatus (Turkish Washcloth), Pelvetiopsis limitata (Little Rockweed), Ahnfeltia (Wiry Forked Seaweed), Microcladia (Coarse Sea Lace), Erythrophyllum (Red Sea Leaf) and Ptilota (Sea Fern)), Hydrozoa, Red Rock Crab carapaces, the Spiny Leather Bryozoan, Flustrellidra, and Eelgrass, (Zostera) were found in the driftline. Deer, raccoon, and river otter tracks found on the beach. Harbor Seals with pups in the bay and pulled out on the rocks. A dead Common Loon and Pelagic Cormorant were found near the Crook Point headland. Sea Rocket, Yellow Sand Verbena and Pacific Silverweed were blooming in the sand close to the headland on the north part of the mile. Ocean is brown from bloom of diatoms supported by nutrien upwelling. Beach gently sloping by 4 degrees. Sand accumulating against rocks and logs at base of headland. Rocky patches reduced in size as sand accumulates on beach. Wind 15-18 mph from NW on beach but 43.2 mph across the headlands. Air temperature on beach was 52 degrees F and the ocean temperature was 52.4 degrees F. Low human impact (0).
Cloud Cover: Sunny. Wind Velocity: Strong. Wind Direction: NW.
Notable Wildlife
Western Gulls. 12 Harbor Seals, some with pups. Mouse exhibiting strange behavior by rolling in the sand. Deer, raccoon, and river otter tracks found on the beach. Sea Rocket, Yellow Sand Verbena and Pacific Silverweed were blooming in the sand close to the headland on the north part of the mile.
Beached Birds
Total dead birds: 2. 1 Pelagic Cormorant, 1 Common Loon
Driftline Content
Seaweeds and seagrass, Animal casings (e.g., crab, shrimp molt), Animal casings (e.g., crab, shrimp molt), Ocean-based debris (from fishing boats, ship trash, etc.). See General Comment.
Actions & Comments
Driftline Content: rope, plastic bottles and cans at the southern end of the mile. Hydrozoa, red rock crab carapaces, the Spiny Leather Bryosoan,Flustrellidra, and Zostera (eel grass). Kelps found in the driftline were: Alaria (Ribbon Kelp), Polysyphonia, Desmarestia ligulata (Acid Kelp or Broad Acid Weed), several species of Callophyllis (Beautiful Leaf Seaweed), Hymenena (Black-lined Red Seaweed), Cystoseira (Northern Bladder Chain), Prionitis cartilagieum (Sea Braid), Pleurophycus (Broad-rib Kelp), Fucus (Rockweed),Mastocarpus pappillatus (Turkish Washcloth), Pelvetiopsis limitata (Little Rockweed), Ahnfeltia (Wiry Forked Seaweed), Microcladia (Coarse Sea Lace), Erythrophyllum (Red Sea Leaf) and Ptilota (Sea Fern). Ocean is brown from diatoms in ocean up-welling. Gently sloping beach of 4 degrees. Sand building up against rocks and logs at base of headland. Rocky patches on beah becoming smaller as sand accumulates.

Report Images
All Mile 20 Reports
Mile 20
Saddle Rock, Crook Point
One person and two dogs were seen on the beach.
D Bilderback
Mile 20
Saddle Rock, Crook Point
Except for one small heavy patch of drift, the driftline was sparse with kelp/algae, Leather Bryozoa and crab carapaces.
D Bilderback
Mile 20
Saddle Rock, Crook Point
The driftline was absent except for two localized areas with terrestrial-derived leaves, mosses, wood pieces, some shredded blades of Pterygophora(Old Growth Kelp) and a few invertebrates and other algae and kelp.
D Bilderback
Mile 20
Saddle Rock, Crook Point
Peregrine Falcon resting on south end of Saddle Rock.
D Bilderback
Mile 20
Saddle Rock, Crook Point
Light driftline with 12 different genera of kelp and algae, terrestrial mosses, Leather Bryozoa (Flustrellidra corniculata), the flowering plant, Phyllospadix (Seagrass) and small rocks.
D Bilderback
Mile 20
Saddle Rock, Crook Point
Three boats seen drifting very close to offshore rocks.
D Bilderback
Mile 20
Saddle Rock, Crook Point
The south beach lacked driftline and sand has accumulated around the drift logs and over the large rocks at the base of the headland.
D Bilderback
Mile 20
Saddle Rock, Crook Point
The driftline was light on the southern and northern portions of the beach but heavy on the middle portion of the beach with large amounts of kelp/algae and forest duff.
D Bilderback