Mile 312 Report
Cannon Beach, Tolovana Park south
December 4, 2008
Beach very clean compared to summertime.
Report Details
Beach very clean compared to summertime. Many small pieces of colored plastic common in wrack. Dog feces as usual in and out of bags.
Temperature: 42 F. Cloud Cover: Sunny. Wind Velocity: Calm/Light. Wind Direction: NW. Tide Level: 3.5 feet.
Human Activities
Number of people: 12. Number of dogs: 2. Walking or running: 12. Very few people on beach, appear to be exercising. A few taking pictures of the beautiful December morning.
Notable Wildlife
20-30 Brown Pelicans skimming the surf line in groups. Western gulls.
Driftline Content
Seaweeds and seagrass, Animal casings (e.g., crab, shrimp molt), Animal casings (e.g., crab, shrimp molt), Land-based debris (picnics, etc.), Ocean-based debris (from fishing boats, ship trash, etc.), Marine debris (plastic, styrofoam, etc. washing in from the sea), Shells, Small rocks, Styrofoam, Wood pieces. recent yard cuttings, dog feces, small plastic pieces
Natural Changes
concrete support exposed (seawall?) and cracks appearing
Actions & Comments
New sand has been building up all along the beach. In areas of no rip rap, it appears to me that the recent high surf has eroded some of bluff in a few places. Note comment and following pictures of beachfront home between Surfcrest and Delta. Many pieces of wood of all kinds litter the wrack lines. Appears to me to be run off from the rivers of fairly recent blow down or logging material. We had flooding of the local rivers this past month.

Report Images
All Mile 312 Reports
Mile 312
Cannon Beach, Tolovana Park south
We haven't seen any unusual wildlife or major changes in the coastline.
Cannon Beach Academy
Mile 312
Cannon Beach, Tolovana Park south
It was a beautiful but chilly day, so not that many people were out.
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This was the first visit to our adopted mile.
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Cannon Beach, Tolovana Park south
A beautiful day on the beach, sunny and partly cloudy with little wind.
Mile 312
Cannon Beach, Tolovana Park south
usual spring break activity