Mile 311 Report
Jockey Cap, Silver Pt, S Cannon Beach, Tolovana Beach
May 22, 2021
Definitely a beach to visit for low tide!
Report Details
Definitely a beach to visit for low tide! We walked up and down our mile and fell in love. So many cool tide pools, tons of awesome rocks, great collection of driftwood.*Bonus scavenger hunt item: find the heavy piece of metal from Portland
Temperature: 60 F. Cloud Cover: Sunny. Wind Velocity: Calm/Light. Tide Level: -0.9 feet.
Human Activities
Number of people: 30. Number of dogs: 15. Walking or running: 20. Playing in sand: 5. Sitting: 10. Photography: 1. Tidepooling: 10. Other Activities: 3 cyclists, a few bird watchers with binoculars.. It was quite a mellow beach day. Everyone was behaving themselves.
Notable Wildlife
There were many nesting seagulls on jockey cap and silver point, and a crow drinking water from Clayton Creek. A couple crabs in the tide pools, many sea anemones, and several happy starfish in the Silver Point cave.
Driftline Content
Seaweeds and seagrass, Animal casings (e.g., crab, shrimp molt).
Actions & Comments
This bit of beach is so lovely! I brought a bag to clean up trash and only found a few items. It was so nice.

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All Mile 311 Reports
Mile 311
Jockey Cap, Silver Pt, S Cannon Beach, Tolovana Beach
It was a busy pre-holiday weekend at the beach.
Deborah Jensen
Mile 311
Jockey Cap, Silver Pt, S Cannon Beach, Tolovana Beach
A mild morning walk on mile 311 during an outgoing tide revealed 5 species of nudibranch, 3 species of anemone, and an impressive flock of 150 surfbirds that landed in the rocky outcroppings between Jockey Cap and Silver Point.
Mile 311
Jockey Cap, Silver Pt, S Cannon Beach, Tolovana Beach
What a beautiful morning at mile 311!
Mile 311
Jockey Cap, Silver Pt, S Cannon Beach, Tolovana Beach
Today, we observed a total of 896 Ochre sea stars (Pisaster ochraceus) at the northern rocky outcroppings exposed by the low tides at Silver Point.
Mile 311
Jockey Cap, Silver Pt, S Cannon Beach, Tolovana Beach
Today, we observed a total of 1388 Ochre sea stars (Pisaster ochraceus) at the northern rocky outcroppings exposed by the low tides at Silver Point.
Mile 311
Jockey Cap, Silver Pt, S Cannon Beach, Tolovana Beach
Today, we observed a whopping total of 1,059 Ochre sea stars (Pisaster ochraceus) at the northern rocky outcroppings exposed by the low tides at Silver Point.
Mile 311
Jockey Cap, Silver Pt, S Cannon Beach, Tolovana Beach
Today, we observed 464 Ochre sea stars (Pisaster ochraceus) at the northern rocky outcroppings exposed by the low tides at Silver Point.
Mile 311
Jockey Cap, Silver Pt, S Cannon Beach, Tolovana Beach
A morning walk on mile 311 from Tolovanna Wayside to Silver Point/Jockey Cap revealed a high relative abundance of ochre sea stars (Pisaster ochraceus) in rocky tidepools during the outgoing tide.