Mile 292 Report
Twin Rocks, Heitmiller Creek
January 13, 2014
About an hour before high tide this morning, lots of storm debris mostly included logs and twigs, eel grass, some bull kelp, a few jellyfish, one dying fish.
Report Details
About an hour before high tide this morning, lots of storm debris mostly included logs and twigs, eel grass, some bull kelp, a few jellyfish, one dying fish. One big jumble of rope with 3 floats with some large mussels attached. Seagulls & crows. Unusual was the discovery of many peanut worms scattered near surf line.

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All Mile 292 Reports
Mile 292
Twin Rocks, Heitmiller Creek
According to tide tables, tide should have been well under 6’, but tide seemed much higher and earlier than tide table.
Steven Prom
Mile 292
Twin Rocks, Heitmiller Creek
Beautiful and sunny and calm nice change 🌞
Michael Higham
Mile 292
Twin Rocks, Heitmiller Creek
Mile 292 was in great condition no trash and many people out enjoying the warmer evening with low tides and a beautiful sunset
Mile 292
Twin Rocks, Heitmiller Creek
Noticed what seem to be an elk carcass but mostly just the hide or pelt maybe some bones mid size.
Mile 292
Twin Rocks, Heitmiller Creek
Large amount of errosion to the coastline, logs and trees have been moved around due to our recent King Tides and High surf.
Mile 292
Twin Rocks, Heitmiller Creek
Overall good conditions no violations.
Mile 292
Twin Rocks, Heitmiller Creek
Beach and shoreline were clean with little activity.