Mile 232 Report
Boiler Bay Wayside, Picnic Area, Government Point
July 26, 2014
Our group of 11 volunteers with the Oregon State chapter of The Coastal Society arrived at Boiler Bay at 6:00pm to catch the outgoing tide.
Report Details
Our group of 11 volunteers with the Oregon State chapter of The Coastal Society arrived at Boiler Bay at 6:00pm to catch the outgoing tide. The water was high but we were still able to traverse the rocks and collect some good data. Unfortunately we found 6 sea stars displaying potential signs of wasting or that had wasted outright (photos of these are included here). Sage DeLuna, beach cleanup coordinator for Surfrider and our chapter secretary, provided plastic bags for us to clean up the bay. We collected some garbage during the 1.5 hours there and removed it from the site. Despite the disappointingly large number of wasting sea stars, it was an interesting and eventful evening. One volunteer in particular spotted the pigeon guillemot nest, a vermilion star (which I neglected to photograph), and a whale spout about a mile north of the bay. We all look forward to our continuing work on Mile 232 and our contributions to the sea star wasting monitoring effort.
Temperature: 68 F. Cloud Cover: Sunny. Wind Velocity: Calm/Light. Wind Direction: S.
Human Activities
Number of people: 11. Sitting: 2. Tidepooling: 4. One tidepooler was there expressly to find nudibranchs (according to our brief conversation). He claimed he'd seen none.
Notable Wildlife
1 harbor seal, 1 great blue heron, 1 pigeon guillemot that appeared to be nesting in the cliffs. One volunteer saw the adult carrying what appeared to be a sculpin into a hole in the cliff.
Beached Birds
Total dead birds: 3. 2 dead birds on rocks near the water. They were too decomposed for anyone to identify. The 3rd was submerged in water and could not be retrieved.
Dead Fish or Invertebrates
At least one wasting sea star was dead.
Driftline Content
Ocean-based debris (from fishing boats, ship trash, etc.). Same large wooden structure as noted in the last report.
Report Images
All Mile 232 Reports
Mile 232
Boiler Bay Wayside, Picnic Area, Government Point
It is a busy day with people observing wildlife and sitting in their cars.
Kristin Bayans
Mile 232
Boiler Bay Wayside, Picnic Area, Government Point
It was a pleasant, cloudless, and mild day.
Mile 232
Boiler Bay Wayside, Picnic Area, Government Point
Windy and sunny day.
Mile 232
Boiler Bay Wayside, Picnic Area, Government Point
2 people fishing beyond the barrier and 1 person feeding the seagulls bread.
Mile 232
Boiler Bay Wayside, Picnic Area, Government Point
Nothing significant on this stretch.
Mile 232
Boiler Bay Wayside, Picnic Area, Government Point
Fairly nice day with rain showers.
Mile 232
Boiler Bay Wayside, Picnic Area, Government Point
Appeared to be normal human activity for this mile.
Mile 232
Boiler Bay Wayside, Picnic Area, Government Point
Went out and picked up a full bag of trash off bluffs.