Report Details

The usual amount of man-made debris/litter, though it was unsettling to see the hooks and needle. There were 3 water bottle/bottle caps that originated from Asia (including one from a Indian company, which I haven't seen previously); I used to think it was unusual to observe debris from so far away, but I now am more surprised when I don't see this.


Temperature: 42 F. Cloud Cover: Cloudy. Tide Level: 1.0 feet.

Human Activities

Number of people: 2. Number of dogs: 2. Fishing: 1. 1 car parked in front of ‘No Parking, Emergency Beach Access’ sign; there were plenty of parking spaces


Cars/trucks parking: 2.

Notable Wildlife

8 scoters (in the surf), 1 gull, 1 American crow, 1 song sparrow (in the woods/shrubs adjacent to beach)

Beached Birds

Total dead birds: 1. Not a beached bird, but an unusual enough of a finding that I feel worthy of documenting: There was a dead surf scoter on Highway 101 adjacent to mile 223 (the highway is within feet of the shore bluffs). It was in the middle of the road, and was bloodied, suggesting it was struck by a car. Scoters are not a species that I’ve seen on land before, much less 50-100 yards from the water.

Driftline Content

Small rocks, Seaweeds and seagrass, Shells, Animal casings (e.g., crab, shrimp molt), Wood pieces, Land-based debris (picnics, etc.), Marine debris (plastic, styrofoam, etc. washing in from the sea), Styrofoam, Ocean-based debris (from fishing boats, ship trash, etc.). 1 fishing line with two hooks attached; 1 small medical needle

Natural Changes

Landslides/major boulder falls. One small (4’x2’) landslide. The winter beach rock formations are gradually being covered by sand.

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All Mile 222 Reports

Showing 8 of 65 reports

Mile 222

Moolack Beach N, Coal Creek, S of Wade Creek

November 10, 2024

Came across mass (hundreds) of moon jellies along Moolack Beach

Lisa Bizon-Carroll

decorative elemnt for a coastwatch report.

Mile 222

Moolack Beach N, Coal Creek, S of Wade Creek

July 2, 2023

A windy day without much to report; just the usual off-leash dogs (no shorebirds present to potentially be flushed) and trash.


Mile 222

Moolack Beach N, Coal Creek, S of Wade Creek

April 2, 2023

Typical Oregon day, I saw hail, high wind, sun, and calm in the


Mile 222

Moolack Beach N, Coal Creek, S of Wade Creek

February 11, 2023

Gorgeous but cold and windy day.


Mile 222

Moolack Beach N, Coal Creek, S of Wade Creek

October 15, 2022

Peaceful, unsettlingly warm (for time of year) morning.


decorative elemnt for a coastwatch report.

Mile 222

Moolack Beach N, Coal Creek, S of Wade Creek

September 25, 2022

Relatively high amount of people, mainly dogwalkers, out early for a pleasant Sunday morning trip to the beach.


decorative elemnt for a coastwatch report.

Mile 222

Moolack Beach N, Coal Creek, S of Wade Creek

July 17, 2022

Very little water in Wade Creek.


decorative elemnt for a coastwatch report.

Mile 222

Moolack Beach N, Coal Creek, S of Wade Creek

July 10, 2022

The beach fire close to vegetation, and somewhat close to access point was the main unusual concern to report, otherwise just the usual concern of trash.
