Mile 209 Report
Ona Beach north of Beaver Creek, Tracy Creek
September 30, 2013
The feature catching my eye were the piles of kelp strewn over the beach.
Report Details
The feature catching my eye were the piles of kelp strewn over the beach. I counted 45 large - small to medium car size - along the mile and many, many single pieces and small piles of kelp over much of the beach. It was a recent happening, probably done by the on going storm, and beyond what I recall having seen.The results of an ongoing dead-seabird survey show that the month of September had these amounts coming on to the beach all month. The dead birds were removed from the beach on each "weekly" survey.Gradient: North end 1 ft in 15 feet, South 1 foot in 27,
Human Activities
Number of people: 1. Number of dogs: 1. Stormy day so only one person walking dog
Notable Wildlife
Gulls were numerous on the beach both resting and feeding on quantities of goose-necked barnacles covering numerous fresh drift logs.
Beached Birds
Total dead birds: 14. 1 Buller's shearwater, 1 pelagic cormorant, 1 Cassin's auklet, 14 adult and hatch-year murres. These mortalities were at-sea deaths most likely due to food shortage rather than weather/water conditions.
Driftline Content
Seaweeds and seagrass, Wood pieces. A 20 inch square vinyl boat cushion, a 10 by 10 by 5 inch plastic perforated and hinged box, 37 small containers (bottles etc)
Man-made Modifications
Natural Changes
Nothing except erosion of beach sand
Actions & Comments
No action taken or immediate action needed.
All Mile 209 Reports
Mile 209
Ona Beach north of Beaver Creek, Tracy Creek
It was a nice, sunny and mild day today.
Mile 209
Ona Beach north of Beaver Creek, Tracy Creek
There was more litter on the beach after the recent storm.
Mile 209
Ona Beach north of Beaver Creek, Tracy Creek
10 people, 1 dog, three sets of vehicle tracks on beach (ATVs ?
Mile 209
Ona Beach north of Beaver Creek, Tracy Creek
Beautiful day with a lot of human activity.
Mile 209
Ona Beach north of Beaver Creek, Tracy Creek
Nothing of concern viewed during this visit.
Mile 209
Ona Beach north of Beaver Creek, Tracy Creek
15 people observed, all walking along beach, some with dogs.
Mile 209
Ona Beach north of Beaver Creek, Tracy Creek
More re-work on riprap construction under permit BA-687-13.