Mile 209 Report
Ona Beach north of Beaver Creek, Tracy Creek
March 7, 2014
Considerable freshwater aquatic vegetation on woody debris.
Report Details
Considerable freshwater aquatic vegetation on woody debris.Re-work on rip rap construction under permit BA-687-13 the following is offered looking back from Mar. 28, 2014. picture and detailed description included
Human Activities
Re work on rip rap construction under permit BA-687-13 the following is offered looking back from Mar. 28, 2014. The project started in November, 2013 and proceeded into early 2014 (?) before the first contractor was terminated. It was well started, but far from finished. A month or more later a second contractor began work and is working this date. The project is unusual in the size of the rock being used and that the rock reinforcment extends to the top of the bluff face - 30 or more feet above beach level. The face slope is at gradient such that to reach the height that it does the new toe portion showing above the ground extends at least 12 feet out from the natural/former toe site - protrudes on to the beach. Sand is being taken from the beach to bed the rocks high on the bluff. Stair steps have been built into the lowest portion of the face by the lay of the rocks to receive a built stairs coming from higher up. I don't know what provision has been made to gain ground cover over the upper portions of the rip rap face.
Beached Birds
Stranded Marine Mammals
Dead Fish or Invertebrates
Driftline Content
Seaweeds and seagrass, Animal casings (e.g., crab, shrimp molt), Wood pieces. considerable freshwater aquatic plant and woody debris in the wrack line
Natural Changes
Visible retreat of solid bluff. A 20 foot long x 10 foot high portion of a mudstone bluff has caved of several feet into the bluff at one location
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Mile 209
Ona Beach north of Beaver Creek, Tracy Creek
It was a nice, sunny and mild day today.
Mile 209
Ona Beach north of Beaver Creek, Tracy Creek
There was more litter on the beach after the recent storm.
Mile 209
Ona Beach north of Beaver Creek, Tracy Creek
10 people, 1 dog, three sets of vehicle tracks on beach (ATVs ?
Mile 209
Ona Beach north of Beaver Creek, Tracy Creek
Beautiful day with a lot of human activity.
Mile 209
Ona Beach north of Beaver Creek, Tracy Creek
Nothing of concern viewed during this visit.
Mile 209
Ona Beach north of Beaver Creek, Tracy Creek
15 people observed, all walking along beach, some with dogs.
Mile 209
Ona Beach north of Beaver Creek, Tracy Creek
More re-work on riprap construction under permit BA-687-13.