Report Details

The beach armoring approved under OPRD permit 644-10 was begun and completed in mid-Novembber. They did obsrve the approved beach encroachment of 6 feet. The rocks were covered with a layer of beach sand over their face.(EDIT CHANGE)The lower portions, which are washed into or away from the underlying of the rock. THE RIPRAP will NOT divert wave energy from behing shifted to the bluff on either side of the armoring, as advertized by the contracting engineer in the project application. AS FIRST REPORTED PUBLISHED HERE I WAS SEEN TO ENDORSE THE ENGINEERS EFFORTS WHICH I DO NOT. I SEE NOTHING IN THE STRUCTURE AS INSTALLED THAT WILL PREVENT WAVE THRUST FROM BEING DIVERTED TO THE ADJACENT UNPROTECTED BLUFFS.

Human Activities

Number of people: 2. Walking or running: 2.


Cars/trucks parking: 1.

Beached Birds

Total dead birds: 10. 7 Northern Fulmars, 2 Rhinoceros Auklets, 1 Common Murre

Driftline Content

Seaweeds and seagrass, Land-based debris (picnics, etc.), Wood pieces.

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All Mile 209 Reports

Showing 8 of 35 reports

Mile 209

Ona Beach north of Beaver Creek, Tracy Creek

February 12, 2023

It was a nice, sunny and mild day today.


Mile 209

Ona Beach north of Beaver Creek, Tracy Creek

December 31, 2022

There was more litter on the beach after the recent storm.


decorative elemnt for a coastwatch report.

Mile 209

Ona Beach north of Beaver Creek, Tracy Creek

December 18, 2022

10 people, 1 dog, three sets of vehicle tracks on beach (ATVs ?


Mile 209

Ona Beach north of Beaver Creek, Tracy Creek

July 19, 2019

Beautiful day with a lot of human activity.


Mile 209

Ona Beach north of Beaver Creek, Tracy Creek

May 29, 2019

Pretty usual day.


Mile 209

Ona Beach north of Beaver Creek, Tracy Creek

April 24, 2019

Nothing of concern viewed during this visit.


Mile 209

Ona Beach north of Beaver Creek, Tracy Creek

March 20, 2019

15 people observed, all walking along beach, some with dogs.


Mile 209

Ona Beach north of Beaver Creek, Tracy Creek

March 20, 2015

More re-work on riprap construction under permit BA-687-13.
