Mile 209 Report
Ona Beach north of Beaver Creek, Tracy Creek
December 14, 2012
This week had the highest tides of the year, but they were not accompanied by high surf conditions.
Report Details
This week had the highest tides of the year, but they were not accompanied by high surf conditions. Nevertheless there was considerable sand moved from high on the beach to the lower beach. The high beach and lower part of the elevated portion of the beach/bluff was swept clean of natural and man-made debris except for stream-transported floral material deposited high on the first half mile of beach north of Beaver Creek. The beach gradient at the north end of the mile was about 1 foot in 24. At the highest level of the beach sand had been removed down to the mudstone underlay.By Dec. 26 heavy weather with high tides had occurred and the combined action had moved sand from the beach below the exposed underlay mentioned above to the low water line creating a gradient of 1 foot to 18 feet, the steepest I've recorded.I counted 56 larger pieces of wood, 14 pieces of styrofoam, 6 cans or bottles, 18 pieces of litter and 4 small pieces of rope.
Human Activities
Number of people: 4. Number of dogs: 1. Walking or running: 4. Even though the weather was tolerable there was no activity except for the 4 people I saw walking in mid beach.
Notable Wildlife
Nothing caught my attention this time. Near the end of November I walked this area just after a raft of bull kelp clumps were deposited. I counted 75 to 80 moderate sized clumps of kelp on mile 209.This material has been washed high on the beach drift line or taken from the beach via the recent very high tides.
Beached Birds
no dead birds were encountered
Stranded Marine Mammals
There were no marine mammals on the beach
Dead Fish or Invertebrates
Driftline Content
Seaweeds and seagrass, Styrofoam, Wood pieces.
Natural Changes
Landslides/major boulder falls.
Actions & Comments
No. The breaking down of the mudstone, packed sand bluffs on public or private land is not responded to.
All Mile 209 Reports
Mile 209
Ona Beach north of Beaver Creek, Tracy Creek
It was a nice, sunny and mild day today.
Mile 209
Ona Beach north of Beaver Creek, Tracy Creek
There was more litter on the beach after the recent storm.
Mile 209
Ona Beach north of Beaver Creek, Tracy Creek
10 people, 1 dog, three sets of vehicle tracks on beach (ATVs ?
Mile 209
Ona Beach north of Beaver Creek, Tracy Creek
Beautiful day with a lot of human activity.
Mile 209
Ona Beach north of Beaver Creek, Tracy Creek
Nothing of concern viewed during this visit.
Mile 209
Ona Beach north of Beaver Creek, Tracy Creek
15 people observed, all walking along beach, some with dogs.
Mile 209
Ona Beach north of Beaver Creek, Tracy Creek
More re-work on riprap construction under permit BA-687-13.