Mile 182 Report
Roosevelt Beach, Ponsler SW, China Creek, Big Creek
December 31, 2018
People were walking the beaches.
Report Details
People were walking the beaches. Three people were rock hounding in Big creek. Two people were looking at rocks in the cliffs.The dunes beside Big creek were visibly worn down from high waves.The cliffs looked more exposed at the bottom on Muriel Ponsler making the cliffs look taller.There was plastic bottles, plastic debri and pieces of rope on the beach. I removed the plastics, rope and styrofoam.
Temperature: 48 F. Cloud Cover: Cloudy. Wind Direction: N. Tide Level: 2.0 feet.
Human Activities
Number of people: 21. Number of dogs: 2. Walking or running: 16. 3 people walking in Big creek rock hounding , two others looking for rocks in the cliffs.Most people just walking.
Notable Wildlife
20 gulls at the end of Big Creek
Driftline Content
Small rocks, Seaweeds and seagrass, Wood pieces, Marine debris (plastic, styrofoam, etc. washing in from the sea), Styrofoam, Ocean-based debris (from fishing boats, ship trash, etc.). Pieces of rope. I picked up the rope and plastics.
Natural Changes
Erosion of vegetated foredune, Visible retreat of solid bluff, Evidence of wave overtopping. Erosion of the bottom of the cliff on Muriel Ponsler beach. The cliff seemed taller.
All Mile 182 Reports
Mile 182
Roosevelt Beach, Ponsler SW, China Creek, Big Creek
The wrack line contained feathers, rocks, pieces of shells, a piece of rope, a piece of foam and a piece of a float. There is evidence of waves under cutting the bushes on the dune, retreat of the dunes and wave over topping.
Mary James
Mile 182
Roosevelt Beach, Ponsler SW, China Creek, Big Creek
Tide six feet with a few sneaker waves.
Mile 182
Roosevelt Beach, Ponsler SW, China Creek, Big Creek
The entry way to Muriel Ponsler has been enhanced by a load of gravel that was placed in the entry way ditch. There were a lot of sand filling in the beach which is usual in the summer.
Mile 182
Roosevelt Beach, Ponsler SW, China Creek, Big Creek
A lot of people on the beach today backpacking, rock hounding, playing and picnicking on the beach. There was one large piece of fiberglass on the beach.
Mile 182
Roosevelt Beach, Ponsler SW, China Creek, Big Creek
The entry way to Carl Washburn heading towards China Creek was very slippery with mud and by the wind sailor jellyfish.
Mary James
Mile 182
Roosevelt Beach, Ponsler SW, China Creek, Big Creek
A lot of rocks on the beach.
Mary James
Mile 182
Roosevelt Beach, Ponsler SW, China Creek, Big Creek
21 people on the beach today. Continued erosion off the bottom of the cliffs.
Mary James
Mile 182
Roosevelt Beach, Ponsler SW, China Creek, Big Creek
As I entered the beach and walked toward China creek I saw a dead common murre in the wrack line.