Mile 178 Report
Cape Cove, Sea Lion Point, Sea Lion Caves
January 5, 2009
The beach was not as congested with sea lions as it has been in the past,so I had a little more beach to myself.
Report Details
The beach was not as congested with sea lions as it has been in the past,so I had a little more beach to myself. There were about 40 or 50 of them on the rocks on the South end,so I had to stay away from them.Sadly,there has been a lot of real estate sliding off the bluff after the recent rain/wind storms. If it keeps up,and it will, Hwy. 101 could be threatened.In the past week, I've found two large red light bulbs wash up on the beach, one here,and the other on Baker Beach. Another CoastWatcher also reported one. I wonder what the story is behind these things. They both look to be in top shape. I'm gonna try to plug them in and see if they work!
Temperature: 52 F. Cloud Cover: Rain. Wind Velocity: Moderate. Wind Direction: SW. Tide Level: 0.0 feet.
Human Activities
I was the only human on the beach, and I had to be very careful not to disturb the sea lions with my own activity.
Notable Wildlife
About fifty sea lions lounging on the rocks on the South end.
Beached Birds
One dead, intact, black cormorant (see photo)
Driftline Content
Seaweeds and seagrass, Animal casings (e.g., crab, shrimp molt), Small rocks, Wood pieces. Most all content of driftline was debris flow from recent flood.
Man-made Modifications
Natural Changes
Newly exposed roots/trees falling, Landslides/major boulder falls.
Actions & Comments
The heavy rains coupled with strong winds were ideal for landslide events, and it has been taking a heavy toll on the cliff along Cape Cove. (see photos)

Report Images
All Mile 178 Reports
Mile 178
Cape Cove, Sea Lion Point, Sea Lion Caves
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Brien M
Mile 178
Cape Cove, Sea Lion Point, Sea Lion Caves
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Cape Cove, Sea Lion Point, Sea Lion Caves
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Cape Cove, Sea Lion Point, Sea Lion Caves
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Cape Cove, Sea Lion Point, Sea Lion Caves
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Cape Cove, Sea Lion Point, Sea Lion Caves
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Cape Cove, Sea Lion Point, Sea Lion Caves
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Brien M
Mile 178
Cape Cove, Sea Lion Point, Sea Lion Caves
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Brien M