Mile 127 Report
North Beach on North Spit Coos Bay 3
March 19, 2009
Shorebirds foraging in the surf and moving in response to humans.
Report Details
Shorebirds foraging in the surf and moving in response to humans. Kelp/algae, shells, small rocks, wood pieces, land-based debris and plastic pellets in driftline. One dead unidentified bird. New plantings at New Carissa staging area showing visible growth. Low human impact (1)-picking up litter by truck within an allowed area.
Cloud Cover: Cloudy. Wind Velocity: Moderate. Wind Direction: S.
Human Activities
Number of people: 1. Other Activities: 1-Picking up litter via truck..
Disturbances: Shorebirds moving in response to humans/dogs
Beached Birds
Total dead birds: 1.
Driftline Content
Seaweeds and seagrass, Land-based debris (picnics, etc.), Marine debris (plastic, styrofoam, etc. washing in from the sea), Shells, Small rocks, Wood pieces.
Actions & Comments
New plantings show visible growth along bluff where staging area for New Carissa removal took place.
All Mile 127 Reports
Mile 127
North Beach on North Spit Coos Bay 3
Major change in dunes with moderate amount of dune grass pulled down from tides.
Chris and Lisa Thomas
Mile 127
North Beach on North Spit Coos Bay 3
Large amount of what appeared to be green slug, maybe algae washing up with the tide.
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North Beach on North Spit Coos Bay 3
Beach dune has notable amount of grass roots showing.
Mile 127
North Beach on North Spit Coos Bay 3
Kelp/algae, shells, animal casings, small rocks, wood pieces, plastic pellets, Styrofoam and land- and ocean-based debris in the driftline.
Mile 127
North Beach on North Spit Coos Bay 3
One person driving within allowed area of beach.
Mile 127
North Beach on North Spit Coos Bay 3
Shorebirds foraging on wet sand.
Mile 127
North Beach on North Spit Coos Bay 3
Small rocks, wood pieces, land-based debris, plastic pellets and Styrofom in the driftline.
Mile 127
North Beach on North Spit Coos Bay 3
Small rocks, wood pieces and land-based debris in driftline.