Mile 127 Report
North Beach on North Spit Coos Bay 3
January 1, 2023
Beach dune has notable amount of grass roots showing.
Report Details
Beach dune has notable amount of grass roots showing. Much more dune erosion than in past months. Notable lack of animal crab casings today. Lots of wave foam. Very few birds flying in area. People were on beach today in larger groups than ths time of year, likely because it is a holiday. Some had dogs on and off leashes. No dog waste noted on beach anywhere. Some ORV driving up and down in beach. There was NO park host present at site, bathrooms in very poor maintenance- lack of toilet paper, toilets unclean etc. All vehicles in parking space had passes. One person packing up a tent that appears to have been camping.
Temperature: 41 F. Cloud Cover: Sunny. Wind Velocity: Moderate. Wind Direction: N. Tide Level: 0.5 feet.
Human Activities
Number of people: 32. Number of dogs: 12. Walking or running: 20. Other Activities: People in ORV driving on beach. People walking on beach, throwing catch to dogs. Some ORV driving on beach
Disturbances: Shorebirds moving in response to humans/dogs
Notable Wildlife
Small group of 8 Sanderling birds on beach. Few Seagulls
Beached Birds
Total dead birds: 1.
Dead Fish or Invertebrates
1 small dead fish, looked as though perhaps something tried to bite it. Picture will be included.
Driftline Content
Small rocks, Shells, Animal casings (e.g., crab, shrimp molt), Wood pieces, Marine debris (plastic, styrofoam, etc. washing in from the sea), Styrofoam. minimal amount of beach trash noted, half a bag was collected. Included plastic, foam and drywall pieces. Some board planks were also seen, but too big to collect and carry off the beach. Extremely small amount of crab shell casings.
Natural Changes
Erosion of vegetated foredune, Visible retreat of solid bluff.

Report Images
All Mile 127 Reports
Mile 127
North Beach on North Spit Coos Bay 3
Major change in dunes with moderate amount of dune grass pulled down from tides.
Chris and Lisa Thomas
Mile 127
North Beach on North Spit Coos Bay 3
Large amount of what appeared to be green slug, maybe algae washing up with the tide.
Mile 127
North Beach on North Spit Coos Bay 3
Beach dune has notable amount of grass roots showing.
Mile 127
North Beach on North Spit Coos Bay 3
Kelp/algae, shells, animal casings, small rocks, wood pieces, plastic pellets, Styrofoam and land- and ocean-based debris in the driftline.
Mile 127
North Beach on North Spit Coos Bay 3
One person driving within allowed area of beach.
Mile 127
North Beach on North Spit Coos Bay 3
Shorebirds foraging on wet sand.
Mile 127
North Beach on North Spit Coos Bay 3
Small rocks, wood pieces, land-based debris, plastic pellets and Styrofom in the driftline.
Mile 127
North Beach on North Spit Coos Bay 3
Small rocks, wood pieces and land-based debris in driftline.