Report Details

Physical Changes: A rockfall has spalled off the 35 foot cliff at the southwest end of Bastendorff Beach. In addition, erosion of the foredune may have progressed since March, 2010, as suggested by the apparent increase in dune-rooted trees that have fallen onto the beach in the interval. Litter at high tide line seems to have declined significantly. Perhaps fewer storms are bringing litter on shore.Vertebrate corpses:Four decomposing or decomposed seals or sea lions, two possibly pups, were encountered as well as a decomposed duck.People and activities on the beach:Forty-five people and four dogs were involved in various recreational activities during the Saturday June 5 beach walk.


Temperature: 60 F. Cloud Cover: Cloudy. Wind Velocity: Calm/Light. Wind Direction: N. Tide Level: 1.6 feet.

Human Activities

Number of people: 45. Number of dogs: 4. Walking or running: 11. Playing in surf: 8. Playing in sand: 4. Sitting: 10. Tidepooling: 3. Other Activities: 9 playing volleyball.


Apparent violations: None - seemed a law abiding group.

Notable Wildlife

A few gulls, very few other seabirds, no mammals.

Beached Birds

Total dead birds: 4. A decomposed duck was found near the centroid of Mile 122.

Stranded Marine Mammals

At the mouth of Minor Creek, dividing Mile 122 from 123, a long dead seal or sea lion. A green “X” had been painted on its back perhaps signifying that it had been officially tallied. A small seal (a pup?), also quite advanced in decomposition, was about 50 yards away in Mile 123. A third long dead seal/sea lion was found about half way between Mile 123 and Mile 121. About half of a skeleton (head, neck, ribs) of a mammal, probably a seal or pup of a sea lion, was at the west end of Mile 122 (“Pirate’s Cove”) behind a log against the foredune.

Driftline Content

Seaweeds and seagrass, Land-based debris (picnics, etc.), Ocean-based debris (from fishing boats, ship trash, etc.), Shells, Wood pieces.

Natural Changes

Erosion of vegetated foredune, Newly exposed roots/trees falling, Landslides/major boulder falls.

Actions & Comments

No actions were taken. A rockfall has spalled off the 35 foot cliff at the southwest end of Bastendorff Beach; obviously erosion is a constant process here, with or without human assistance. In addition, erosion of the foredune may have progressed since March, 2010, as suggested by the apparent increase in rooted trees that have fallen onto the beach in the interval. Litter at high tide line seems to have declined significantly. Perhaps fewer storms are bringing litter on shore.

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All Mile 122 Reports

Showing 8 of 18 reports

Mile 122

Bastendorff Beach west half

January 19, 2025

First time the beach was frosted, near parking/grass areas, due to cold weather.

Stephanie Dresie

Mile 122

Bastendorff Beach west half

October 25, 2024

Sunset with heavy clouds to west. No dogs, no surfers. Surfer had died on previous Thursday AM (potential cardiac arrest) Not much sea debris a few single bull kelp.

Stephanie Dresie

Mile 122

Bastendorff Beach west half

September 30, 2024

8 people, 6 dogs, 0 surfers Low tide, north end of beach had bull kelp wrapped in grass. One dead gull. No garbage was found.

Stephanie Dresie

Mile 122

Bastendorff Beach west half

August 25, 2024

Could see the dredging ship working near end of jetty. Lots of bull kelp on beach.

Stephanie Dresie

Mile 122

Bastendorff Beach west half

July 21, 2024

Calm day 39 people 8 dogs 6 surfers No garbage which is nice to see

Stephanie Dresie

Mile 122

Bastendorff Beach west half

March 16, 2024

Busy day on the beach due to beautiful warm weekend weather.

Stephanie Dresie

Mile 122

Bastendorff Beach west half

January 1, 2024

Beach clean up day sponsored by Surfrider on New Years Day, so lots of activity. I will need to come at super low tides to access little cove at south end of mile, in the future. Few shells, few small wood pieces. Removed styrofoam pieces, smaller than a quarter, 3 ropes (less than 1’ in length), besides New Years stuff (beer cans, spent fire works, cardboard pieces). This is my first submittal.

Stephanie Dresie

decorative elemnt for a coastwatch report.

Mile 122

Bastendorff Beach west half

January 29, 2017

The waves/surf wasn't nearly as high today as it was the last time I walked the beach just a couple of days ago.
