Mile 122 Report
Bastendorff Beach west half
January 29, 2017
The waves/surf wasn't nearly as high today as it was the last time I walked the beach just a couple of days ago.
Report Details
The waves/surf wasn't nearly as high today as it was the last time I walked the beach just a couple of days ago. The weather was also better and there was no wind. Due to this calmness, I think, there were many more people present, all of whom were walking the beach, some with their dogs. Everyone was in a good mood, and the dogs were well controlled. The only wildlife present were 7 "peeps" wandering with the waves and the occasional sea gull flying over. The foredune showed its battle with the waves reflected in undercut banks and vegetation, and 2 or 3 deep cuts into the vegetated areas. Overall, this mile of beach clearly shows scars from the recent storm.
Temperature: 43 F. Cloud Cover: Cloudy.
Human Activities
Number of people: 15. Number of dogs: 7. Walking or running: 15. People were walking, enjoying themselves. Saw no questionable behavior.
Notable Wildlife
7 "peeps" along surf
Beached Birds
Total dead birds: 1. Very little left of this dead bird, possibly a murre, but really don't know.
Driftline Content
Seaweeds and seagrass, Wood pieces, Marine debris (plastic, styrofoam, etc. washing in from the sea). There was some kind of clear cylindrical material from a half inch to two and a half inches long and a half inch or less in diameter all along the driftline. I don't recall ever seeing them before and have no idea as to what they are.
Natural Changes
Major cracks appearing in bluffs, Newly exposed roots/trees falling, Erosion of vegetated foredune, Evidence of wave overtopping. The waves today were not nearly as high as they were the last time I walked here, but the foredune still showed the ravages of high waves/surf.
All Mile 122 Reports
Mile 122
Bastendorff Beach west half
First time the beach was frosted, near parking/grass areas, due to cold weather.
Stephanie Dresie
Mile 122
Bastendorff Beach west half
Sunset with heavy clouds to west. No dogs, no surfers. Surfer had died on previous Thursday AM (potential cardiac arrest) Not much sea debris a few single bull kelp.
Stephanie Dresie
Mile 122
Bastendorff Beach west half
8 people, 6 dogs, 0 surfers Low tide, north end of beach had bull kelp wrapped in grass. One dead gull. No garbage was found.
Stephanie Dresie
Mile 122
Bastendorff Beach west half
Could see the dredging ship working near end of jetty. Lots of bull kelp on beach.
Stephanie Dresie
Mile 122
Bastendorff Beach west half
Calm day 39 people 8 dogs 6 surfers No garbage which is nice to see
Stephanie Dresie
Mile 122
Bastendorff Beach west half
Busy day on the beach due to beautiful warm weekend weather.
Stephanie Dresie
Mile 122
Bastendorff Beach west half
Beach clean up day sponsored by Surfrider on New Years Day, so lots of activity. I will need to come at super low tides to access little cove at south end of mile, in the future. Few shells, few small wood pieces. Removed styrofoam pieces, smaller than a quarter, 3 ropes (less than 1’ in length), besides New Years stuff (beer cans, spent fire works, cardboard pieces). This is my first submittal.
Stephanie Dresie
Mile 122
Bastendorff Beach west half
The waves/surf wasn't nearly as high today as it was the last time I walked the beach just a couple of days ago.