Mile 121 Report
Gregory Point, Lighthouse Beach, Mussel Reef
March 16, 2008
Kelp, shells, wood pieces, land-based debris, plastic pellets and Styrofoam in the driftline.
Report Details
Kelp, shells, wood pieces, land-based debris, plastic pellets and Styrofoam in the driftline. Four dead birds: 1 gull, 2 Northern Fulmars and 1 White-winged Scoter. A few shorebirds foraging in driftline and moving in response to dogs. Sand accumulating near the bluffs. Less sand build up on the southern part of the beach. Dramatic slope to the low tide line. New rock exposed below high tide line. Concrete steps and slabs exposed along bluffs. Cliff being undermined below a house. It appears that telephone poles and chains are being used to stop erosion. Moderate human impact (14)- 4 walking, 2 surfing, 2 fishing and 6 picnicking. 3 dogs.
Cloud Cover: Sunny. Wind Velocity: Strong.
Human Activities
Number of people: 14. Walking or running: 4. Surfing: 2. Fishing: 2. Other Activities: 6- picnicing. Shorebirds were moving in response to dogs. When I arrived 6 people were leaving with 3 large dogs. Dogs were not leashed.
Disturbances: Shorebirds moving in response to humans/dogs
Beached Birds
Total dead birds: 4. 2 Northern Fulmars, 1 White-winged Scoter, and 1 gull
Driftline Content
Seaweeds and seagrass, Land-based debris (picnics, etc.), Marine debris (plastic, styrofoam, etc. washing in from the sea), Shells, Styrofoam, Wood pieces.
Actions & Comments
Sand is actually piling up on this beach near the bluffs. There is a fairly dramatic dip to the low tide line. New rock exposed below high tide line. Areas of concern (please see the scanned map photo): (a) concrete steps, concrete re-exposed along bluffs. Also concrete slabs where pipe washes down. Concerned that this may be the reason that less sand is build up on south side of beach. (b)At first point going north less sand build up than further north. (c)House cannot be much further back than a yard from side of cliff. Cliff being undermined. Attempt to stop erosion just south of this house with what looks like telephone poles and chains. People in house above must be getting sea spray on windows with big storms.

Report Images
All Mile 121 Reports
Mile 121
Gregory Point, Lighthouse Beach, Mussel Reef
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Gregory Point, Lighthouse Beach, Mussel Reef
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