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New Rules for the Seabed under Consideration
Oregon’s Territorial Sea extends three nautical miles from shore. It is actually regulated under the state’s land use planning program—Goal 19 of the statewide goals deals with the nearshore ocean. Among other things, the controversial subject of cables crossing the seabed and beach falls under this goal.
The Land Conservation and Development Commission (LCDC) is considering the adoption of amendments to Part Four of the Oregon Territorial Sea Plan (TSP), Uses of the Sea Floor. The proposed amendments would update the administrative rule that governs the Territorial Sea Plan – OAR Chapter 660, division 036 – which incorporates the TSP into rule by reference. The proposed amendments are the result of work directed by the legislature in House Bill 2603 (2021) and stewarded by the Ocean Policy Advisory Council in collaboration with the Department of Land Conservation and Development (DLCD). The amended rule is intended to balance uses of the sea floor with appropriate ecosystem protection as provided in Statewide Land Use Planning Goal 19, the Oregon Territorial Sea Plan, and the Oregon Ocean Resources Management Act.
While the amendments create a far better process than the state has had until now, Oregon Shores submitted comments arguing for strengthening the proposed rules in several ways.
The public comment period on the amendments is now closed and LCDC has held a hearing on the matter. We await the commission’s decision.
A draft of the proposed rules and fiscal statements is available, online at: and .
Website: The Notice of Proposed Rulemaking Hearing, Statement of Need and Fiscal Impact, Housing Impact Statement and Proposed Rules are available at: